
How can racism end when it's natural?

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Even scientists agree that most people are racist

When we see that favoring ourselves at all cost is the natural behavior how do you end racism?




  1. It may be natural, but that doesn't mean it's good.  Cancer and AIDs are natural.

  2. Racism is taught, if you don't realize that you are lost within it all.

    Hate is not natural, it is learned through pathological human thinking from one to another.

    JUst a way for one person to control another, make them think they are different and that the latter is gifted. You create an enemy to blame problems and gain acceptance and lose responsibility for anything, blaming "race" as a scapegoat.

    Once the racists realise the'yve been fooled, they might grow up and learn a thing or two about true judgement as the truly less evolved, less talented and less intelligent beings they themselves have become by giving in to the bullshit around pride and racism they embraced.

    "Divide and conquer", it goes both ways. Racists will be the end of themselves.

  3. That's a good question and good point.  I just don't think racism is based on favoritism.  It's based purely on ignorance and fear.  Once those two factors are eliminated, maybe it will end.

  4. I don't consider it completely natural.  Sure, at a primitive level, it serves a protective purpose.  If people of a certain hue are killing off people of your tribe, then it would serve you best to either not be around them or to wipe them out.

    Also, there is experience.  If you are constantly mistreated by persons of one hue or ethnicity more than people of another, then you may generalize and learn to hate all who fit whatever demographics.

    However, most racism is taught or allowed to happen due to a lack of exposure to wholesome members of all races.  Little children pick up disdain towards others from their family and peer groups.  They remember when their parents use certain slurs to describe other people.  They remember being warned to not be around "them people."

    Lack of exposure, particularly at an early age may lead to more superficial racism.  If you don't know too many people of a certain group, you might dislike them based on differences in body odors, hairdos, etc.  But when you have had early exposure and accept such differences, you might be less racist later.

    So most of it goes back to first impressions, and if the first impressions are negative, or most of the exposure is biased, then one might very well end up a racist.

    Different "races" are actually different breeds, not different species.  A dark human and a light human are just as human as a pit bull, a terrier, and a poodle are all dogs.  They may have different temperaments and physical characteristics, but they are still the same species.

    Nowadays, more people have a problem with different cultures rather than different "races."  Sure, 50 years ago, people would never get close enough to object to the culture, they could see that they didn't want to get near the person, and that was that.  Now, people have more problems with things such as attitudes and perceived criminality.  Push anyone into a situation where they are denied education, denied opportunity, and denied a chance at livelihood, and they will be much more likely to commit crimes to survive.  Once enough of a group of people are cut off from society like that, they actually start rejecting that society and rejecting its cultural norms.  Only that doesn't help the situation and only gives more excuses to the sick people who hate (not that they need any).

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