
How can recycling help save the earth?

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i need to know how recycling can help save the earth. if yu have facts, that would be great.thnx! :)




  1. some recycling does save a lot of energy over producing new stuff, best example is aluminium.

  2. Why don't you check this great site out:

    also check out: for recycling.

  3. anything that can be recycled means less that needs to be harvested or mined to create new stuff.  It also reduces that amount of stuff that goes into landfills.  Especially plastics and glass which do not biodegrade

  4. recycling can help save the earth because it takes alot of oil to make plastic bottles and oil is a non renewable resource. go here and it will tell you why its important. hope this helps!



  5. HI there, well basically by recycling, less new things are made. This then reduces the harmful emissions created while making and transporting them.

    Yes emissions are created by recycling and transporting recycled materials but it is less than making new things over and over PLUS less goes to landfills which cause emission problems but also problems to the soil and wildlife too.

    Check this site out, it's a UK recycling guide:

    Hope this helps.

    Bright Blessings

  6. Um, anything you don't need to make again means you don't create garbage, you don't use (as much) energy, and you don't have to pull it out of the ground.

    How hard is that?

  7. Recycling can help the Earth in many ways. In today’s world the importance of recycling is becoming greater of a concern both for the general public and also to the economy. Recycling has become a major issue as scientific research has been suggesting for years that the earth is being depleted too fast to sustain a healthy balance. The earth’s natural resources are being consumed at a rate that reinforces the idea that we are living for today and the future generations will be paying for the consequences. However many people and just as importantly businesses are realizing the problem at hand and the importance of recycling. Recycling along with reducing consumption is our best means to counter the damage we have been doing to the earth for centuries. The importance of recycling is now held in such a high regard even famous people are taking up the plight. Al Gore is now on a mission to educate the world on the effects of global warming. He is also concerned about how we can reduce the causes of global warming. A major part reducing the warmingis how we can recycle much of what we use instead of turning it into unusable waste. Recycling is incredibly important as a means to reduce poisonous emissions into the atmosphere and also to spare our natural resources. Today many companies and individuals are improving their recycling habits by coming up with ways to reduce what they use. They are also reusing much of the original materials sent out for consumer use.

  8. Recycling cannot "save" the Earth - only controlling human population and finding clean energy will do that. As for the "3-Rs" it's better to reduce or reuse packaging.

    Recycling uses up a lot of energy in itself, so it's expensive and not so good for the environment.

    Only certain metals are of any real value to industry.

    For the other stuff, you would be surprised to learn how many cities just burn it. Plastic burns at a very high heat, so it's often just dumped into an incinerator. And if something burns at a high heat, it burns pretty clean. (I got this information from an environmental reporter)

    I also visited a polystyrene (plastic) recycling factory on a school trip once. They said none of the material can be used for food packaging. Most of it goes into storage containers which they dye black.

  9. umm it really doesnt

  10. we use the same plastic over again even the water in the tapes is water from our tolits and sinks its just purifed

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