
How can republicans criticize Carter without criticizing Bush?

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They said Carter was the worst president because of economic stagflation, Iran hostage crisis, etc. When I mentioned that we had multiple economic recessions under Bush and the first attack since Pearl Harbour on american soil had occured under his watch, they said it was somehow Clinton's fault that 9/11 had happened and that the economy had nothing to do with the current president. Then why did they say the same about Carter if the economy supposedly didn't have anything to do with the president? Republicans are quick to blame others, they even said the prospering economy under Clinton was really because of Bush Sr and that Bush Jr did a much better job because he was able to fight the terrorists. At what costs? billions of dollars in federal spending and war on two fronts? Republican ignorance amazes me.




  1. WOW...SPIN!  SPIN!  SPIN!

    Carter CAUSES the Iran hostage crisis by manipulating the Shah out of Iran so it could be taken over by a dictator regime.

    We have had ONE recession under was handed to him by Clinton as the last quarter of 2000 and the first quarter of 2001 both saw declining GDP (definition of recession).  By the second quarter of 2001 it was flat, and by the third we saw 9/11.  And we STILL did not dip back into a recession then.

    We are not in a recession now.  (definition 2 consecutive quarters of decrease in the GDP).  We have not had one.

    9/11 was planned for several years prior to 2001, and considering that Clinton was soft on terrorism and coddled the likes of Arafat, and ignored the likes of bin Laden, even when offered to him IN CUSTODY, he refused.

    A president CAN and DOES impact the economy.  Carter brought us double-digit inflation, double-digit unemployment, double-digit mortgage rates, gas rationing, and the worst economy overall since the great depression.

    The economy we are in now would have been considered a sluggish economy but NOT a recession by most if it had not followed 5 years of unprecedented economic growth.   When you are climbing a steep hill, and it levels off to a very gradual hill, it seems down hill compared to the steep hill.  That is our economy.  We were spoiled by 5 years of unprecedented growth so much that slow growth seems horrible.

    john...sorry, 4 years into Bush's admin, we were experiencing unprecedented growth.  The recession was actually started in the end of 2000...nice try, though.

    JL...Carter coddled terrorists, handed us the worst economy since the great depression, and left our citizens as hostages for over 400 days, and since then, he has committed treason by negotiating with terrorists without consent of the federal government.  As a matter of fact, the ONLY good thing he has done was put his face with Habitat for Humanity (and sat in for photo ops).  I would LOVE to hear ONE thing that Carter did during his administration that helped....OR I will settle for one thing that didn't hurt this country.

    kenny...if you get a bunch of people to say that an apple is a giraffe, does it make it so?  NO!  The definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of decline in the GDP.  We have not seen ONE quarter of decline (came close last quarter).  Now, if the liberals, the media, and people like you would stop whining and using scare tactics in an effort to make republicans look bad before the election, we would see the economy take off.  As a matter of fact, I know several investors who have started buying investment properties in the last few months.  JOIN IN!  If 10% of those who are financially capable of buying an investment property, would do so in the next 3 months, inventory would drop, prices would start to climb again, and the economy would rise.  And there will not be a shortage of tenants due to foreclosures.


  2. Cons will always say no recession from Bush, they use the typical blame Clinton response.

    Ask any American in the street how the rising costs of energy, the immense debt from Iraq, the devalued dollar, the foreclosure issue, and the rising costs of foods, see if THEY say there is a recession.

    Bet they do, all of them.

    Bush is the worst President ever in our nation.

  3. The economy rises and falls it has very little to do with the president. Oh sure he can help but not as much as people think. So basically carter and bush were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And reagan,nixon,and clinton were just there at the right time. Clinton is blamed for it because he did 3 things during his career. One he refused to extradite osama when they had him cornered in the sudan saying we had no authority. Second he made an executive order saying the cia could not use so called undesirables to gather information,hence crippling it's intelligence gathering. And third he made no responses to the first bombing of the trade center,uss cole,and attacks in rwanda. Democrats do the same thing really , it's the nature of politics. How many times will you hear democrats praise the new deal of fdr? You know fdr's new deal policy was basically a continuation of herbert hoovers policy? You never hear that though. Is bush worse then Is he much better though? Not really the only difference is carter made the us look like a bunch of pansies with his infantile ideas of diplomacy. Neither of them will be remembered as the finest presidents that walked the earth however,

  4. First of all, 9/11 did not just materialize during Bush's Presidency.  It happened way too early-on in his presidency for it not to have been planned and prepared under Clinton's watch.  They blew up the WTC in '93.  Clinton did nothing.  The same bunch blew up two embassies in Africa and the USS Cole.  Clinton did nothing.  Another bunch dragged one of our boys behind a jeep through the streets of Mogadishu.  Clinton did something -- he pulled out rather than standing and avenging that kid's horrible death.

    When Carter left office, the economy was in so much worse shape than it is now that it's a miracle we came back from it.  We will come back from this anemic little "recession" too, because the idea is to buy low and sell high.  If it never goes low, how can you buy low so you can sell high?  If the economy didn't take a dip every ten years or so, THEN I'd worry.

    And by the way, Bush suggested selling our ports to the UAE. but he didn't do it.  Carter GAVE the Panama Canal away without any first-hand discussion.  

    Democrat ignorance amazes me.

  5. George Bush has accomplished alot

    compared to Carter

    Carter Administration is most famous for its gaffe's

    killing a killer squirrel that attacked the Presidential Canoe


    going jogging with the national Press corp and falling over    - all caught on tape  

    gave the Carter admin a keystone kops flavor

    hard to dismiss that  

    George Bush has kept this country safe since 9/11

    and thats what counts

    I know you folks would cruxicfy him even more then you have if anything else had happened here  

    so get off your high and mighty horse

  6. Too many voters misunderstand the system.  Blaming Carter is like Blaming Bush and unfortunately the President of the US can only enforce the laws, however, Congress controls, not only, the $$$ but but also, controls what gets sent to a President for signature.  If JFK could put a man on the moon in less than 10 years, why didn't Carter, Reagan, GWB, Clinton or GHWB do something about our dependence on oil?  Why not, becasue of the $$$'s that go to the candidates and the parties and therefore greases the politics of the country.   Mr. T Bone Pickens, along with what they have done in Brazil is the answer to our oil problem. Sugar Cane can be grown in the US all year below North Carolina, so the South from Nevada to South Carolina could grow the Sugar Cane, and greatly benefit their economies.  We could also, like Brazil,  have the auto manufacturer's make their cars to run on the sugar and have them make the cars here.  This would greatly reduce our foreign oil and increase reliance on natural gas and wind whcih we have plenty of. and this would not take 20 or 30 years as both parties are a matter of fact neither party is behind doing this.  I double checked and ...and if anyone thinks 9/11 was planned and executed between Jan and Sept 2001 they are off base.  At the 1996 Olympics a plot was stopped when an attempted highjacking  with the intention to fly the plane into the stadium, and  the recommendation was to reinforce all cockpit doors.....just why that did not happen is not clear to me and may very well have prevented 9/11.  Unfortunately the Russian's took advantage of JFK's inexperience and brought missles into Cuba and we are now faced with a similiar possibility, i.e. a new administration and possibly one that has NO executive experience.  This along with the fact that the Congress for 2 years has done nothing is a huge problem and unfortunately would eliminate any possible HOPE for change...the congress should have done what they were elected to do, and if GHWB then vetoed bills, they would have something to run on.....

  7. They can criticize the Carter administration, incompetent and bungling ***es, for being the only modern administration that...


  8. Just my opinion, but Carter inherited a bad time in American history ( he didn't make it, it was already that way) and tried to make it better. Bush inherited a good time in American history and made it worse.

  9. Because your presumption is false.  Just because you say that we had multiple economic recessions doesn't make it true.

    Why do libs base all their questions on a lie?

  10. They are good at that.  They are even criticizing Obama's little girls.

    Tomorrow they will be complaining that those little girls won't take a stand on off shore drilling or abortion.

  11. The Bush blinders, don't allow for any vision but selective. critical of others never themselves

    talk about stupid.....

    Carter GAVE the Panama Canal away without any first-hand discussion.

    LOL the 100 year lease was up he lived up to the treaty that what he was mandated to do....ignorance or blinders

  12. Which party controlled Congress for 6 or Clinton's 8 years.  The Republicans. Congress controls spending.  Could it be possible that Congress may have played a wee part in the decent economy of the 90's.  Under Clinton US interests were attacked in '93 with the first World Trade Center attack (the seeds for the second were sown here), the USS Cole attack, Nairobi ('98), East Timor ('99), and Khobar Towers ('96).  After 9/11 the terrorist attacks against the US interests ceased.  Western culture is what the Islamic terrorists can't stand.  Read Sayyid Qutb if you want the reasons for attacks.

  13. Republicans blame everything on liberals and democrats.  They are like children who can't take responsibility for their own actions.  Just listen to talk radio they blame all ills on the world on democrats but fail to blame the president on anything.  

      Conservatives for Obama 08

      PS Brian it doesn't take 4 years for a recession for another president to hit.  Sorry but Bush caused the recession himself any true economic major would tell you that.

  14. If you like lived through 2000-2006 you would know that the DOW Jones Industrial DAILY hit new highs.

    Even through 911.

    Bush has created some of the lowest unemployment rates ever.

    That is even with Clinton who they said had good economics!

    Liberal ignorance amazes me, Clinton did know about Osama and did nothing, remember when the world trade center first got bombed?

    Yeah, well you would think Clinton would do something about it, well he got a bj from Lewinsky, I don't know if that qualifies as doing something about it though.

    The economy had everything to do with Bush, the economy went through a huge bubble burst during Clinton, which created very hard times.

    Once again, Liberal ignorance amazes me, please research your facts before you ask questions again.

  15. Conservatives criticize President Bush all the time.  Guess what, the world is not as bad as Liberals make it out to be.  The country is no where near as bad as it was under President Carter.  Don't worry, President pre-elect Obama will make everything better.  We will all be rich, there will be no more wars in the world, and North Korea; Iran; Russia; China; Venezuela; Saudi Arabia will love us.

  16. Carter was a great President. On top of that, 30 years later the guy is literally walking the streets of NOLA and helping out. Republicans just have no class, no brains, but worst of all NO GOOD PRESIDENT - GWB.

  17. It would be less troubling if it were merely "Republican Ignorance," but the reality is, it is a strategy of misinformation and redirection. There is always an active obfuscation of truths and/or parsing of lies that create an atmosphere of confusion. All of these statements posited by the Right are designed to fog the minds of the doubtful (which, to your point, is the ignorance of the voter) so they can be easily manipulated to hew to the right-wing agenda. Americans are forced to wade through so much info (diarrhea of the media) that it is sometimes a difficult task to "separate the s4!7 from the Shinola."  It's all sophistry and it's hurting our country. The sad thing is, it seems more than ever that greed for money and power are winning out. This election could either promote more of same, or turn the past 8 year period on it's head and bring out the best in all Americans. I'm hoping that we will no longer be duped by this caustic and polarizing strategy and take back our government.

  18. We have had no recession under Bush except for the one he inherited from Clinton.  Carter had double digit unemployment, double digit inflation and interest rates over 20%.  There isn't even a comparison between the two economies..

  19. We have not had ONE recession under Bush.  Carter we had a huge recession.  We had gas rationing.  We had the hostage crisis.  Gave away the Panama Canal.  Boycotted the Olympics.  Desimated the military.  No comparison.

    It would be easier to make the comparison of the Bush Years to the Clinton years.  The economy has done about the same thing, minor differences.  We had Bosnia, and Kosovo.  We had the 1st attack on the world trade center with Clinton and then the second with Bush.

  20. "When I mentioned that we had multiple economic recessions under Bush "

    theres your problem according to reality the only recession under bush is from 2000 - 2003 and by all standards it was an extemely light recession especially considering the burst of the dot com bubble, 9/11 and companies that bust from bad accounting practices (that all by the way were in the works during clinton (and no I dont blame clinton because the president doesnt have that much power))

    and guess what I have proof

    do you

    and NBER uses you liberals definition of recession

    The NBER does not define a recession in terms of two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP. Rather, a recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.

    by the way 2Q stats show the economy grew by 3.3 % this year.  you may want to find another talking point because this one isnt working for you

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