
How can roaches survive a nuclear explosion but cant survive someone stepping on them?

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it doesnt make sense!




  1. Rafael, you need to look at things in their proper context and perspectives.  A nuclear explosion whilst capable creating extensive damage to large things are not neccessarily able to inflict similar damage to smaller things.  It is not true that all roaches will survive a nuclear explosion if they were in the epicenter they'd still be blown to bits or damaged.  The statement is more towards the fact that roaches aren't as affected by the radiation fallout of a nuclear holocaust in comparison to say man.

    Look at it in another way, a man fell seven stories and survived only to choke on a piece of bread whilst in hospital.  You can't really compare apples to oranges.

  2. its radiation not the explosion. and the forces are quite different for example take an ice-cube and try to squeeze it until it cracks in two, its hard to break with your hands but if you warm it up it melts fairly easily.

  3. Roaches do die from the heat and radiation of a nuclear explosive. What you have probably heard is that cockroaches as a species would live on in a nuclear holocaust. The reason is that roaches hide under things, between the cracks and some even live in caves. So they are more protected from a nuclear explosion that is not too nearby.

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