
How can schools on a low budget be energy friendly?

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my secondary school is on a very low budget as a new school is to be built. until then we would like to be energy friendly.any sugestions?




  1. turn the heat on high and open the doors

  2. Turn the thermostat down during winter, and during summer keep windows open, turn on aircon only after 2 hours and off 2 hours before the school closes, or better yet, use fans for ventilation.

    Use natural lighting as far as possible, and turn lights off at night.

    Turn computers, printers and photocopiers off overnight.

    It's not perfect, but it's a start.

  3. Actually, being eco-friendly can save money.

    Invest in fans, not air-conditioning.

    Recycle juice boxes, pop cans, etc.

    Use energy-efficient lighting.

    I can't think of many more off the top of my head, but I encourage you to follow through with this idea. Maybe consult a company to give you an energy audit.

  4. Put in skylights and use those instead of electric lights.

    Screen out the side windows when it's hot.

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