
How can science save endangered species of animals?

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How can science save endangered species of animals?




  1. science only can help them!

    By breeding of animals they can be saved.

    If clowning of endangered species can be made possible by science,they can be savb.

  2. Clone them, release them, let the predators eat the weak ones therefor saving the strong ones

  3. I've always wondered about actually saving endangered species.  I know it's noble and all, but isn't evolution based on extinction?  If man had been in position to do so, would we still be fighting saber toothed tigers and those big-assed bears these days?  

    Perhaps science should look for better ways to level or reduce the human population.  That is probably the most critical issue facing us in the modern world.

  4. In stepping in and stopping natural occurance ( in this case science saving animals from extinction ) I believe you are doing more harm than good.  Besides human population, the reason most animals become extinct is because the environment in which they live is diminished because of natural dissolvement caused by nature.

    With sciencIe stepping in it would in fact bring some of these species back or give them the ability to multiply, but it would then force them to now survive off of the resources they are not used to.

    In my opinion science outside of research is very risky and anytime we rely on science to solve our population issues we put ourselves in a very vulnerable position.

  5. Most often species are endangered due to something that mankind has done, whether or not it had anything to do with the species itself.

    Loss of habitat is a big problem, loss of prey species or other food item, pollution, etc.

    Science has the job of examining the how and why species are endangered, and to research possible cause/effects and solutions if possible.

    Take for example the bald eagle - which was registered on the endangered species list in 1967.  Due to exposure to DDT and lead via the food chain, the reproductive rate of bald eagles plummeted sharply - and no one could understand why.  

    It was discovered that DDT was being passed through the food chain (and being bio accumulated in the body of the bird) and it was affecting the ability of the eagle to lay eggs with shells that could protect the hatchlings - the shells would break during incubation.

    With a ban on DDT (as well as a phasing out of most lead shot for waterfowl), the bald eagle has slowly began to make a comeback in the US.

    Not all species can be saved - with the need of our society for more space, more resources and more everything, it's inevitable that we will push many species into extinction.  

    Personally speaking, I think the world will be a much poorer place.

  6. Artificial insemenation will help save animals that do not breed well in captivity.

    Researching the animals' choices of territory will help scientists know where they want to live and how big they want their territory.

  7. Science should do what science does best, observe.

    We are not sure of how this big blue ball we call Earth really works yet and for us to intervene in natures works as if we know better is like some coming along and telling you what to do even if you know it is bad for your health.

    Unless the species are effected directly by humans either by our sprawl or by our production or natural products into money, then we should leave them alone.

    What is most interesting is how the same person who is concerned with the little who who fox of the what's it island thinks nothing of using raid to kill ants or cockroaches, it's all a popularity game!!

  8. it can help in educating people about any particular species that is endagered

  9. That's an interesting question. Science can have both positive and negative effects on animals. My only fear would be a mutation that takes out the human race. It's possible.

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