
How can science unprove a god,?

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but not even solve every problem in our world today it only helps like war and economic recovery faiths and so on,m even thought i am a bog fan of science i see every one but me do it wrong,., like they are supposed to treat their life like a sleep over? i hope you dont understand then that would explain what your answer would have been!




  1. > "how can science unprove a god,?"

    Science cannot disprove (not "unprove") God, for 2 important reasons:

    [1] God, if He exists, does so beyond the normal laws of our universe. He created the universe, and He can break its laws arbitrarily. So those laws cannot be used to investigate Him. And since science can *only* use those laws, science cannot study God at all (and it does not try).

    [2] it is a logical impossibility to prove the universal absence of a thing. Basically, you would have to look literally *everywhere* in order to prove that something doesn't exist, and this cannot be done.

    So I cannot prove that purple unicorns don't exist, I cannot prove that I do not have an evil twin, and I cannot prove that God does not exist.

    > "even thought i am a bog fan of science i see every one but me do it wrong"

    Really? What is your field then? What contributions have you made?

    It is apparent that you don't even understand the basics of logic or the scientific method, so please do not be so quick to criticise.

  2. You can't "unprove God!" God exists and I dont want to sound unscientific, but seriously! Read the book "In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and The Flood."

  3. Science is an attempt to understand the universe.  True science does not make any comment regarding god.  Science shows us many amazing and wonderous things.  Whether you wish to attribute this wonder to a god, or not is up to the individual and has no influence on science.  Gravity is the same for all whether it is there by chance or by design.

  4. Science does not have anything to do with the supernatural world.  Many people do not understand this, but it is important because this is why theology is not incorporated into science classes.  It would be incorrect to say that science can disprove a god, magic, or any other supernatural phenomena, although it certainly doesn't support it.

  5. It's impossible to prove something doesn't exist, science doesn't even TRY to disprove god because it's impossible.  Just like it's impossible to prove leprechauns don't exist.  You can't prove a negative.

    It's up to the people who believe in god to prove that he DOES exist, otherwise their beliefs are no better than people who believe leprechauns exist.

    "even thought i am a bog fan of science i see every one but me do it wrong"

    I seriously don't think you even understand what science *is*

  6. this question is the definition of fail

  7. Science is a tool.  We can't MAKE people think rationally, we can only offer them the choice.  For example, science has proven that cigarettes are exceedingly bad for the health...and yet many people still smoke.

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