
How can score the service at a restaraunt and use a formula to determine the tip?

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Most people who DON"T tip based on simple factors other than 18% of the bill or how much cash is in my wallet tend to factor in their overall experience and some of the major highlights.

My friends and I, all of us who are in or were in food service, are trying to formulate a tipping system where points are awarded to the server for doing things right and extra things that we appreciate (or taken away for a mistake). The points are then converted into change, and eventually become the tip.

Does anybody out there have a similar system or any suggestions?

An example of how this works would be 1pt. for filling my drinks on time, and another for my mother's, and maybe a point for each person that laughs or smiles at a particular joke or comment. Points off would not come from kitchen overcooking our steak, rather the server's inability to handle the situation (and points given if done well).




  1. I think your making it too complicated. As a server myself I think if I give people good service I expect 20% nobodys perfect we all mess up and I think if everything was mostly good everyone should tip 20%    but if it was bad service then 10% sounds good

  2. two times the tax

  3. I do the same with my wife. There are many variables(remember that TIPS means "To Insure Prompt Service")

    In the United States, it is acceptable to tip anywhere from 15% to 20% if the service is good to superior, and less or even zero for mediocre or bad service.

    Since most of the times the TIP is shared among all the staff, to me "burned steaks" is bad service.

    Sometimes  if the place is very very busy, I may understand if they can not be as good as a regular day.

    Drink refills, quality and hot meals, friendly service and extra details (napkins, straws, sugar, spices, etc) are "plus points".

    Not paying attention while taking the order, rolling eyes, cold food, having to ask for thinks (like no cream and sugar for coffee, dirty or no silverware), are "minus points"

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