
How can service on a personal level can enhance community well-being?

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How can service on a personal level can enhance community well-being?




  1. think of it like this... you are walking toward your home and you see a wind-blown piece of paper, without thinking you pick it up, your neighbor seen you and they start picking up paper see the point, you may not see the snowball effect in your time.. but there is a reaction.. conversely if someone drops a piece of paper and does not pick it up, pretty soon the street is laden with trash

  2. All great movements had humble beginnings.  Just like several droplets make a waterbody.  If you start at your level somebody will get inspired and that person joins you.  If the cause inspires several people it becomes great movement.  single Gandhiji has achieved freedom to India.  Please DO START IMMEDIATELY.

  3. It creates a snowball effect. If you are served by someone who is very pleasant, actually makes eye contact with you and smiles, wishes you a great day then you will walk out of that shop and be in a good mood. You will most likely be pleasant to the next person you cross paths with. Say someone bumps into you as you leave the store, you will more likely be gractious and forgiving about it.  That effects their mood and the impact of that is their tolerance levels go up and influences the way they treat the next person they come into contact with.

    On the other hand, if you had a bad experience with a person in customer service, say they were really rude, got impatient with you because you took too long to finalise the transaction and overall made you feel awkward and irritated. As you left the store, if someone bumped into you, you would probably be offended and then be rude to them, even though they accidently bumped into you. That then affects they way they treat the next person they come into contact with, and so on.

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