
How can s*x be studied as a sociological phenomenon?

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How can s*x be studied as a sociological phenomenon?




  1. WOAH... This is actually an interesting and important question.

    It is very difficult to study s*x because everybody lies about it.  They hide when they do it, or flaunt when they do it, or with whom they do it.

    Many efforts have been made to study s*x as a sociological and economic force in humanity, but they have run up against these problems of privacy, status and lies.  The published literature that is from a purely biological evidence base is in serious conflict with the survey based data... and yet... what sorts of people allow a biological survey of their sexual habits?  is it the biological data that comes from a restricted study group?  or the surveys?  or is everyone lying?

    Sexual habits of bonobos can be studied, because they live outside and can be filmed all the time.  Perhaps when we all accept survielance all the time, even in our homes, it will be possible to know as much about the social and economic force of s*x in human society as it is now in bonobos :)

    For some idea of what i am talking about, contrast the content of the book 'sperm wars' and the content of masters and johnson's famous work on sexuality.  Sperm Wars has examined the evolutionary biology of sperm, and found that sperm is prepared to compete with *other sperm*... And that people are not as universally related to their fathers as they suppose... and that in some cases it appears their mothers are genuinely unaware of this!

    look up some studies of prostitution, and see how inconsistent they are, even between themselves, even if you were to assume the practices of people who buy s*x are significantly socio/econoicly similar to the people who will not.

  2. Yes.  Although it is easier to study sexual, marital, and kinship patterns in other societies or in a cross-cultural context, it can be done in the US as well (especially within the confines of the family).  Of course there will be privacy and disclosure issues, but it can be done....especially in the age of "reality" television.

    It would be easier (in my opinion) to study s*x in the following contexts:

    Culture-study the changes in society's views of s*x and sexuality in regards to mores, folkways, and sexual scripts and how they sculpt our cultural norms.

    Media-study how s*x symbols and subliminal sexual suggestions in the media are employed and how they impact our society in regards to sexual ideologies as well as actual sexual behavior (including sexual violence, etc.).

    Good question...good luck finding what you were looking for!

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