
How can she sue me for money?

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A few months ago I moved in with my boyfriend whom was subletting from another person. When she decided to move back she held my mail and will not give it to me. I did not sign any kind of agreement or make one verbally. My boyfriend was paying the landlord the rent. Since we have moved out, she is is claiming that my boyfriend did not pay the full amount for his last months rent, and that there are extensive damages to her apartment. She called me and stated that "you both owe me money" and that she spoke with Judge Mathis about this issue...and that we can both be expecting a phone call soon. I do not in fact owe her any money whatosever. Is there any way that she can sue me for money??




  1. Sure she can sue. Whether she will win is another matter. And if she wins, whether she can collect is yet another matter.

    Call the postal inspector's office immediately and report that your mail is being held. It's a federal crime to interfere with delivery of mail.

    I'm not a lawyer, so this isn't legal advice. However...

    The tenant's problem--and recourse--is with your boyfriend. He and she had a contractual arrangement. may have put your boyfriend into violation of the sublease, or of the lease with the owner. (Were you permitted to live there?) However, that's an issue between your boyfriend and the tenant or the landlord.

    Was there damage? If so, what does the agreement between your boyfriend and the tenant provide?

    Are you sure that full rent was paid by your boyfriend? Can he substantiate that--either with receipts or cancelled checks?

    Collect your documentation. If she sues, at least you'll be prepared.

  2. Sure she can sue you.   You lived there and she is claiming you damaged her property.    She will not win if you did not damage it.    You not signing any agreement did not give you the right to destroy her property (this is the legal thought, maybe not the truth of the matter).

    But, no judge will be calling you.   You might be served the papers and the judge will sign them, but not call.  Under no circumstances would you be called by a judge regarding a legal issue.

    Also, it is a crime to withhold mail.   Always and under all circumstances.   Report the crime to the post office, they aggressively handle this situation, she is going to regret that very stupid move.

  3. First, clear your mind. Rehearse your story very carefully, so it is not confusing and you do not get sidetracked.

    When Judge Mathis calls, you will be prepared to have a very good conversation.

    Of course, Judge Mathis will not call you about this matter. Ever. Nor will the police. You might get a summons to appear in small claims court, but I doubt that will ever happen, either. She would have to show documents you signed and prove damages, and from what you say, she'll appear before the judge empty-handed.

    Your former roommate is full of BS. Don't fall for her lies.

    Oh, and how can she hold your mail if you have given the post office your change of address form? All your mail will be routed to the new address. You DID file that, didn't you?

  4. Take this on Judge Judy.


  5. She can sue you for money but she will not be awarded if there is no money owed as you claim.  You should have had your mail transferred.  If she was a kind person she would release your mail but if your mail was really important to you it was your duty to put in a change of address with your local post office.

  6. Well it is a Federal offense to tamper with, steal, withhold etc anyone's mail that is not personally addressed to you. Let her know that cover her bluff. Your name was not on the lease, so no contract with you existed. Judges do not make phone calls to parties. Burden of proof is on her, does she have before and after pictures? Was there a written inspection of the property prior to him moving in specifying if there where any Damages? Is she claiming fair wear and tear? (Ie a dirty or worn out 10 year old carpet, then claiming full replacement instead of adding depreciation? If so will be laughed out of court if it gets that far. Always take pics of the place when you leave in the event you have unscrupulous landlords who will damage things in order to threaten and try to get renters to pay for full replacement.  

  7. I suppose she can try, doesnt mean she will be awarded any judgments. I dont think she can hold your mail as hostage, either. I say let her sue you on the Mathis show, you'll get a free trip out of the deal and she may be humiliated on national tv :)

    Oh, and just a fun fact, if she did call the show....I emailed Judge Judy about suing an ex boyfriend once, and they did in fact call him within 24 hours.

  8. She'll have a hard time litigating anything she doesn't have in writing. If you aren't named on a lease and you never signed anything, it will be almost impossible for her to go after you. You might want to talk to the local post office about the mail thing: I think that's illegal, her witholding your mail. She could be the one in serious trouble here!

  9. You can sue anyone.

    She should have had your name added to the lease, then you would be responsible. If your name was not on the lease, then you are not liable unless she can prove the you alone, willfully caused the damage to the property.

    She also can not hold your mail, it is a federal crime to interfere with the delivery of the US Mail.

    If she is still holding your mail, contact the local post master and ask to file a report with the Postal Inspector.

  10. First off, if she is holding your mail I would call the postal office and let them know.  I'm not sure she can do that.

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