
How can slove traffic problem in Hyderabad city and other city?

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How can slove traffic problem in Hyderabad city and other city?




  1. Traffic police should take out some precaution!even we need to follow the traffic rules and regulation.

    their are trying to solve prob by construtiong fly that traffic follow should be continues..

    when we need to help them about the traffic jam....

  2. by making public transportation as a better.mode of transportation.

  3. throw ur vehicle and start walking , The best way to control traffic

    Go ahead and lets start with you

  4. It seems you are not reading the papers...there are a number of fly-overs being constructed and new ones at strategic locations are also being " The Deccan Chronicle "...Bye.

  5. if  retired people takes initiation step and get trained  how to control  the traffic. they have to come voluntarily and do this job.

    for this traffic police gets help and stress wont there much. and traffic police people  also should help  the voluntry people in all aspects. so that retire people will get engaged with work they can also feel some extent we can solve the problem.

    in India we respect  aged people. atleast by seeing their  age and enthusiam, people will move in discipline way.we can control the traffic.

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