
How can somebody be put under hypnosis?

by  |  earlier

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My question is HOW, not what hypnosis is and what it can be used for, but HOW to be put under, which nobody seems to know so why answer with other info?




  1. Its all psychological.

    Wikipedia or Google it.

  2. Because that somebody learns how to do it.

  3. If you don't want , nobody can put you under hypnosis.

    Ah ! Yes. There is a barbarous method, I even don't know if today is used,  when  somebody is suspected of  a crime or something else and he doesn't want to speak the truth, then is made an injection with special  substance that put him under hypnosis and then he will   say even  how much milk he had imbibed from his mother

    But if you want....then is another story.

    For a medical purpose  a hypnosis ,made by professional man, has  many beneficial aspects.

    Hypnosis has specific rules and techniques, beginning from deep relaxation to a status like half-sleep

    The goal is to reach your subconscious mind,  to influence it for example to put an end to smoking or to find a cause to a bad habit and much more.

    There are also some techniques for self hypnosis. that is a very pleasant and healthy situation. I do it  when I am very tired and then I regain a fresh feeling

    I hope I gave you some ideas about this vast field

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