
How can somebody not like somebody instantly on sight without getting to know them?

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How can somebody not like somebody instantly on sight without getting to know them?




  1. you can just tell i guess.


  2. In our minds, we build up a reference list of people we like and people we don't. For ease of reference, we begin to be able to size people up pretty fast. This is coupled with our own experience from the different people we come into contact with. There are people we like and there are those we do not like. Over time, we start to form prejuice about certain kind of people because they gave us bad experience. In order not to go through such experiences again, we have build a defence mechanism in our mind to identify these people quickly. So we tell ourselves, it is better to be safe than sorry. We jump to conclusion when we size people up and rather err on the side of caution. This may be seen as a form of baggage, judging people by sight, rather than to give them a chance to show themselves. Prejuice may be one major reason. For example, people may judge each other purely by color alone.

    When we prejudge someone, we are in fact projecting our pre-conceived notion of that person onto him. Our notion of that person, may or may not be accurate. This projection is something that we do everyday, even without realizing it. It is part of our basic instinct for survival. Learning to be kind and non-judgmental is a learnt process.

  3. because they don't find them enjoyable to look at  

  4. It happens to me often and I usually regret "getting to know them".

    My mother has learned to trust my interpretation of people.  

  5. yea, it happens to me like 3 times a day. Despite what they say, you CAN judge a book by its cover

  6. actually, it kind of ties into the whole idea and science behind "phobias"

    when somebody is seen or suspected of doing something(even if its just because that person reminds them of someone else)

    that tends to give off a red flag on certain people

    when i see people who remind me of certain sometimes rubs off on them and makes them appear like someone i dislike (though it usually doesnt effect my overall opinion of them)

  7. they envy them  

  8. If you saw me you wouldn't like me because I'm a guy with hair longer and better then most girls.............Believe me I have to deal with it all the time. I pretend that I die my hair red when it's naturaly red  just so you won't hate me so bad

  9. Umm... I'm gonna go Wiccan on you.

    There are three parts to a human: physical, sexual, and spiritual. sexual is attracted to physical and vice versa. However, sometimes (rarely) spiritual is attracted to spiritual, which makes the unknown connection that you feel. You see, the spiritual part of a person works differently than the other two. Physical and Sexual parts have something to do with personality and appearance. Spiritual knows what you want before you do. It also knows things before you do. It's (if you want to look at this scientifically) your subconscious making decisions for you.

  10. facial and physical features make an impression depending on one's preferences. you instantly know if you want to approach/get approached. later, if characteristical features are revealed, the opinion is always shifting on the spectrum for better or worse.

  11. idk

  12. First impression? Sometimes, people classify others based on the way they walk, talk, look, or dress.

    For example, if a person dresses differently (doesn't wear what's trendy), they may be classified as geeks or losers. Possibly something like that. It's human nature. It's sad.

    Unfortunately, I believe that the reason why people are like this is because of what others around us usually tell us. Peer pressure. 'You have to dress this way to be cool.' And 'Oh, you have you act a certain way to fit in.'

    It is usually because someone acts differently.

    I hope I helped.

  13. Human nature is an ugly thing. In person people know if they like you based on preconcieved ideas, and biases. But everyone does it, even me. I don't look at homeless people if they get too close to my car. I want to help but don't know how. A lot of times people have based their judgements on one bad experience. I wish people were nicer too.

  14. their drunk?  or high lol  jk

    They can't

  15. association

  16. Past experiences with people who act the same or appear to have the same characteristics!  

  17. it happens to psychics all the time

  18. Because everyone assumes the looks ARE everything. The first impression is supposedly the most important.

    I think all depends on how open/close-minded the person making judgement is.

    In a society where so many people are fooled into thinking that the way someone looks determines their's easy for people to be that way...Not even realizing that THEY are no better than any other being on this planet.

  19. people date people usually on looks+personality


  20. its human nature, some people just dont like a certain type of people.  

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