
How can somebody tell to the public that he/she is a liar?

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How can somebody tell to the public that he/she is a liar?




  1. Yell - "I'm a liar" at the top of your voice.

  2. you cant  go slandering  people  by  calling  them  a liar  unless you  can absolutely prove  it  with  solid  evidence.

    writing  it  online  is libel and  thats even worse  for you as it  gives  them positive  proof  for  their  case  aganst you

    legally  the  burden of proof is on  you  so  regardless of  any  crime  they  may have  committed as  a reult  of  this lie,  YOU will  be  the  one who pays if  you say anything  out  of  turn

  3. just go "oh really? but you earlier said/did/promised etc...."

  4. MSN, Myspace, Facebook, Radio Stations, Calling Up People who like to gossip and telling them.

  5. get a megaphone

  6. I'm a bit confused here.  Are talking about yourself or are talking about other people you perceive as liars?

    Lets talk in terms of others.  If you find that someone is liar about what ever the subject matter is,  you could call him/her on this or just leave it alone.  Sooner or later this person will be forced out as a liar.  

    If the another person starts a lie about you that isn't true, and hurts your job and good name,  you could sue for defamation of character.  I think that should just about do it as to bringing things out in the open.

    Personally, I would keep things quiet until it comes time to sue.

    I just can't figure out why people have to be this way.  They either think it's some kind of sick joke (not knowing possible consequences) or they lack self esteem and figure this is the only way to gain some kind of sick self esteem.  

    Like I said earlier, liar's are usually caught at their own game.  The truth usually over rides the liar.

  7. depends oh break down and start to cry and be lke i am so sorry that i lied and then beg 4 4giveness

  8. Well the public usually already knows whos a liar and who is not But the one blowing a horn about aliar usually gets it in the end because the liar keeps quiet so as not to blow his or her cover keeping ever so steady feeding on the one striving for Justice just watching him or her make a big stink out of every thing try turning the tables around Keep quiet untill your questioned about something or some event gone wrong rember never say OH so and so did it I'm an eye wittness  just be patient use your natural confidence dont go overboard and be Bare chested just do your own thing knowing the persons way of living and keep away from the set ups even mentioning it around others when that person is around is good .Hey buddy Watch out for the set upps I gotta talk to some one for a minute acknowleging that you know wats up .TRUST I DO THE SAME THING when our liar comes around I always tell paul Hey watch out for the set ups and Look at him good so he knows wats up.

  9. call into the local radio station

  10. First make sure it's true that he/she is a liar and then write a letter to the editor.

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