
How can someone be a liquor/beer promoter girl?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about doing this as a side job but don't really know how to get started. Can anyone give me advice about where people apply and hear about these jobs?

Anything would help!

Thanks ;)




  1. i would just talk to one of the girls that are promoting at a local bar...........there are two different kinds. (1) is like a bud or miller girl which you don't have to have any prior knowledge of alc (2) is a distributor that is there pushin a new alc or beer ( genneraly by themselves) and that is usually some one that work for a distributor and promoting a new product for sales...... this type is someone that has a 40hr a week job with the alc company and is just there promoting so that the club with start to carry a new product. (usually alc not so much beer)

  2. simple, apply at the liqour distributor for your area, there should be at least 10 distributors will help you in 2 states, but google distributors in your state. do not apply at bars, they aren't the ones who pay for these things, they actually get them free.

  3. show em ur b***s and they gonna hire u

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