
How can someone be both Christian and Pagan?

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How can someone be both Christian and Pagan?




  1. cuz christian beliefs and pagan beliefs collided a long time ago

    the easter bunny is pagan yet christians use this tool for easter

  2. First of all, if you are thinking of becoming both of these, I would do a little careful reading or studying to find out what each of these religious systems is about.

    If someone else is actually saying they are both, then all you have to do is accept them. You have no need to criticize them, unless they are asking you to. It's not necessary for you to worry about it.

    You'd be surprised at the funny combinations of beliefs some folks can have. If it worked for them, that's all you need to know.

  3. that's easy they're called gemini' a lot of people are confused, they don't know which way to turn, so they go with what parts they relate to.

  4. It's not possible. The two religions are mutually exclusive. I should know. I used to try it. It didn't work. When I was a Pagan, I worshipped Athena. But as a Christian, all of my devotion is to Christ.

    Pagans place other gods before the Christian God and before Christ. Pagans do not believe in Christ as Lord and Savior. Christians do believe in Christ as Lord and Savior.

    So, really, it's not possible.

  5. No.  Because to be a Christian, one must believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as God's uniquely begotten Son.  Pagan's do not believe this.  And since one can not both believe and NOT believe at the same time, one can not be both Christian and pagan at the same time.

  6. It doesn't really matter, it's all lies.

  7. You can't. To do so is to be in direct violation of good ole Jehova's command. You can no disrespect a god you are supposed to be honoring.

    Then of course there are the million and two theological and worldveiw differences.....

    Anyone who claims to be both is uneducated on both.

  8. They can't. Christ demands complete obedience, full attention. To say you're a Christian, and anything but a Christian, is to lie.

  9. It's hypocrisy! Christian Wiccans drive me nuts and quite frankly insult the entire religion. Although I am an Atheist I still find it respectful to keep a Tradition of Witchcraft at least structurally sound.

  10. I've had some people tell me that they are.  I don't know how it works but I believe religion is something that must be self defined.  However it works, more power to them!

  11. There are some attempts at explaining Christo-Pagan beliefs on these sites:

    I know some Christo-Pagans. Their motives for labeling themselves as such differ. Some grew up casting spells, reading tarot cards and runes, working with herbalism, and other things more frequently associated with Paganism, and despite their Christian beliefs, didn't want to give these practices up. Others wanted to be Christian, but couldn't reconcile themselves with what they perceived to be a lack of the "Divine Feminine" and wanted to bring a feminine spirituality (in forms that are sometimes more connected with Paganism) back into Christianity. I've noticed that Christo-Pagans tend to get blasted from both sides, and are criticized by both Pagans and Christians alike. However, I seem to keep meeting more of them, and the movement appears to be growing.

  12. It's pretty easy.  Just go to a Church that calls itself Christian, but teaches Pagan religion disguised as Christianity.  They just "think" that they are Christians.

  13. Yes, because the origins of Christianity is pagan.  There was no Jesus, but many christs.  People take a literal interpretation of the the myths in the bible.  What the story of Jesus is telling people, is that EVERYONE is christ, everyone who realizes that the divine is within them, is therefore anointed and blessed.

  14. You can't to be truthful. To be Christian is to love and believe in one true God. And pagan religions generally represent believing in more than one.  

  15. They can't!

    John 14:6

    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


  16. it is impossible!

    is litke being MAYO & MUSTARD at the same time !

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