
How can someone forget to get their three year old child on a plane?!!

by Guest62666  |  earlier

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what do you think should be done with the parents? they apparently didn't even notice because they were informed rather than noticing the child was missing themselves. i think the parents should be jailed and their children should be taken away for a little while.




  1. I know! I read that article this morning too and thought the same thing. How the heck could you just "forget" your child there? Her walking away and getting lost in all the commotion is one thing, but to actually forget her is just plain stupid!

  2. It baffles me on how this can happen- this is some 'Home Alone' nonsense!

    I really don't know what should be done to them (law is not an interest of mine, so I don't know what the best route should be.) But, they -meaning child services and/or the police- definitely should look into this.

    It really sickens me on how busy and dumb and rushed people have become. I would rather miss a plane trip somewhere than to lose my daughter forever.

  3. the same way they forget their babies in the car.

    its terrible and unfortunate  but things happen.  they had 5 children total and 18 suitcases.

  4. I saw a little bit about that but didnt read it all. That is simply aweful!

    I dont know about jail but I DO think the kid should be taken away from them for sometime.

    I cant think of any flight more important than your child!

  5. someone actually did this? that is wrong they aren't fit parents

  6. Jail time and loss of the parenting rights would be a good start. Unfortunately, chances of that happening is highly unlikely.

    Did this happen with someone you know or is this something was in the media?

    Not wanting to wanting to poke fun at a very unfunny situation but after finding the article and reading it I have to admit it sort of reminds me of the movie Home Alone.

    Edit: Here's something I just thought of; I have 4 children of my own and regularly have charge of an additional 2-4 children on top of my own and not once have I ever not noticed one missing. Even only having 1 or 2 children in your care it just makes sense to do a head check regularly.

    For example in this case:

    Once in the vehicle before heading to the airport, once when you arrive, once in the terminal, once right before boarding, once on the plane, once departing, etc.

  7. Omg these parents suck! theyre child could have been in danger.. and they didnt even notice!!!  

  8. Evidently the plane was more important than making sure all of their children were present and accounted for. No excuse really.

    Plane or children? Plane or children?

    They have 5 children which they decided to have. You cannot rely on a child to do what a parent should do as hard as it may be.

    edit: One parent should have been looking out for the plane while the other parent keeping watching on the kids. The parents should have been on the ends and the children in the middle. If they miss the plane, oh well.

  9. When I read this it reminded me of Home Alone, remember when they are on the plane and suddenly remember Kevin?

    It seems some kind of joke.

    Except its not very funny


  10. I heard about this and I am amazed as well as to how you can forget your child on a plane!  The parents will be charged with neglect most likely.  It drives me nuts when people use excuses to make it seem like it's not their fault.  They were irresponsible and there's no way around it.  There is no possible way that you can just simply forget, especially since the parents were *notified* and they didn't notice themselves that the child was missing.  

    I feel bad for the child and I hope he or she received better treatment from people who will love and care him or her in the future.

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