
How can someone make you look stupid if you are not stupid?

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How can someone make you look stupid if you are not stupid?




  1. if u let them,either by believing what they say or acting in such a way as to make their words look true...only you can make yourself one else can especially if you are not stupid.

  2. by putting a nerd next to you

  3. like if i was to tell u the question would of sounded better by saying

    :How can someome make you look stupid if your not."

  4. Darlin, I don't think you have a thing to worry're doing a pretty good job by yourself.

  5. by asking you a stupid question

  6. Acting like a know-it-all, or by hurrying up and answering a question right in front of you and then looking at you and rolling their eyes like duh! Anyway, who cares know your not stupid and if anyone try's to make you feel that way then they are the one with the "stupid" problem and not you.

  7. easy if they are smarter than you

  8. i think that if that person is making you look stupid and you can't proof that is not true... mmmmm  

  9. making something up

  10. Easy.  You made me look stupid by answering this ridiculous question and I have an I.Q. of 165.

  11. no one can make you look stupid or something else but you.

    you are up to you.

  12. Ask them stupid questions that you know they don't.  And use difficult words like.

    What is the factor of a hypotenuse of the triangular house during the largest earthquake in china equal to?

  13. thats stupid

  14. There is many forms a stupidity: embarrassment, smarts, street smarts, sports, ect.. the list continues so they pick one that maybe you are a little rusty in and capitalize on it either by out doing you or making everyone know you aren't good at something or they could make fun of you for being smart like mimic you and call you a nerd and everyone will laugh. It just depends but it comes in a variety of forms

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