
How can someone not believe in global warming?

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How can someone not believe in global warming?




  1. i guess its a taboo for some of them...

  2. I looked at the Ice Core data and discovered CO2 levels increase AFTER temperatures rise (they aren't the cause).

    I looked at solar activity levels over the last 400 years and discovered a direct correlation between solar activity and historic climate change (including this present warming trend).

    The facts dismiss this political movement.

  3. The main reason is because there has has not been any global warming.  Global temperatures were decreasing since 1930 until 1976, when they were predicting an Ice Age.  The temperature began to increase until 1998.

    The temperature of the Earth has been in decline since 1998.

      CO2 increases after temperature increase.

    Examine the facts, then determine the truth.

    If CO2 was making the Earth hotter and we add more CO2 every year, shouldn't the temperature increase every year?

    If you cannot explain why this is not happening, can you tell me why I should believe in man made global warming?

  4. A person can disbelieve anything at all as long as he has other pre-existing convictions that he believes in more strongly and that contradict that thing.  This is why you see creationists holding onto their beliefs with intense devotion even when the evidence against them is overwhelming.  Global warming is no exception to this phenomenon.  Religious ideas that say that the Earth belongs to humans to rape as they wish, right wing politicians who gain the trust of impressionable people, and a host of other dishonest individuals all contribute to this irrational disbelief.

  5. Depends on how you define "Global Warming". If you say that it is the phenomenon of humans polluting the atmosphere, so causing a global warming trend, then you are mistaken. If you say it is simply a global warming trend then you are correct, because the earth is warming up. But it's not us:

    Because it is a natural process. Many people point to things like the polar ice caps are melting as evidence that we're causing global warming, but they fail to realize that the ice caps on Mars are melting as well.

    Or they point to the fact that we are industrializing, and wow! all those factories must be heating up the atmosphere. But they fail to realize that cooling occurred between 1940 and 1965, at precisely the time that human emissions were increasing at their greatest rate.

    Want more evidence that it's natural? Here:

    A period of similar warming occurred between 1918 and 1940, well prior to the greatest phase of world industrialization. Second, the Earth's temperature has a history of wildly fluctuating between hot and cold extremes. So it's getting warmer now, so what? It was unusually cold not to long ago (The Little Ice Age).

    However, that does not change the fact that we need to be more careful with our emissions and use alternative energy, regardless to the fact that we're not causing "global warming".

    Edit: Lots of people say that despite overwhelming evidence, it's not the suns fault. !!! Don't try to tell me it's not the sun. Of course it's the sun! Why else would all the other planets in the solar system be heating up? The ONLY source of energy in the solar system is the sun. It HAS to be the sun. Scientists all agree on this. Don't try to tell me that's our emissions too! The only POSSIBLE cause is the sun! Or maybe it's UFO's... :P

    Cough I'd like to repeat: ALL THE OTHER PLANETS IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM ARE HEATING UP TOO. That's not our emissions causing THAT is it?

  6. Familiarity with the data.

  7. In my case, it's looking at the science.  People want to prove global warming is real but they can't.  The evidence just isn't there.

  8. Same way some people won't believe in evolution or believe in some bizzare religion. If it doesn't appear right before their eyes they won't believe it, yet they will argue on behalf of some other god which is also unproveable. With GW we have strong evidence and facts. Some beliefs are immune to facts.

  9. people dont deny that global temperatures are going up, we just deny that it is caused by humans, once the evidence is presented in a non biased form it is clear that global warming is not caused by humans it is completely natural.

    I recommend searching youtube for anti-global warming videos to see the evidence for yourself.

    Keep in mind that Al Gore is proven to have lied over 8 times in his movie and he wont do any debates(because he knows he will get caught in a lie).

    An interesting fact is that in Al gores movie he shows to line graphs showing global temperatures compared to amount of co2 in the atmosphere saying that the temperatures are effected by the co2 levels, but it is actually the high temperatures that heat up the oceans and release the co2.

    Al Gore says that no scientist disbelieves global warming but it is completely untrue and there are 20,000 scientists that even signed a petition saying it wasnt caused by humans

    There are some very informative answers here and they are non biased

    Global Warming is no longer a scientifically driven thing it is all politics now

    Dont just believe what you hear, that is ignorant and naive, look into it and figure it out yourself!!!!!

  10. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!

    But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.

    With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.

    National sovereignty? Democracy?

    Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before.

  11. Some people that believe that global warming is a farce is because they are benefited when global warming does not. An example are those in the business of oil drilling or lucrative dining, where goods from overseas are transported thousands of miles for rich people to dine and enjoy. These people of course would try to persuade themselves and others that this is a farce so they can continue to earn money

    Some others are just critics and love critiquing people such as Al Gore.

    Finally, some others are just ignorant

  12. how can someone  if they are educated in the earths history

  13. To some extent I can understand it, given the amount of mis-information being flooded onto the internet by groups like SPPI, Dailytech, Newsbusters and of course the Heartland Institute.

  14. Because it's so much easier to believe in Santa Claus.


    I cut my hair and stopped wearing that uncomfortable Hemp clothing......And now I'm cold.

  15. because of all the political arguments surrounding it

  16. Global warming has been in discussion for MANY years, and the earth has been given an "expiry date" because of global warming many times before. However, people have seen that on those dates, the world didn't end and they now possibly see global warming as another government hoax.

    Although, some people may know that global warming is happening, but choose to deny it because they know that they'll die before the effects actually start killing off mass-populations of humans to the point of no return.

  17. Mainly ignorance. We caused this problem and now we have to fix it. Some people just won't accept that it's our fault so therefore don't believe it. Also oil companies hire people to say to the media that they have nothing to do with the problem. Obviously thats a lie but that's how they make their living.

  18. Some people do not want to believe in...

  19. al  lot of people that don't believe in global warming just don't want to accept the fact that it IS happening. they also probably know that in order to help prevent it they would have to completely change their life style.

  20. used to believe strongly in it, but now I have my doubts. This is because I hear of scentists discovering new things that contradict previously held beliefs. Eg. that the Amazon rainforest produces huge amounts of methane gas, which supposedly contributes to GW far more than CO2, so should we then go and cut it all down to prevent methane gas being produced?

    New discoveries like that make me realise just how complex nature is, and that humans will probably never interpret or understand it's cycles properly.

    It's not just as simple as trees = good, no trees = bad.

    But don't get me wrong, I do firmly believe that most of the impact humans have had on earth is all bad.

    I think the ignorant ones who just want to wind up the "treehuggers" disagree with the global warming theory just for the sake of creating a stir. They give all non believers a bad rap, whereas there are non believers out there that are still genuinely concerned for the environment.

  21. Denial.

    Very few people don't believe in global warming.

    However, there are lots of people who don't believe humanity is causing it or can do anything about it.

  22. Because they beleive that humans can do no wrong.

    They choose to not beleive al gore in an inconvenient truth because he was the democratic nominee and they are mostly conservatives that do not believe in global warming.

    But I think the main reason is because they are uninformed. people here in minnesota say "Our winters are getting worse and worse thats how i know global warming is fake" But they just are uninformed. Because global warming will cause the seasons to become harsher summer will be really hot and winter will be very cold. Global warming is about extremes.

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