
How can someone not know if they're g*y, straight, or bi?

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I understand being confused, but you must know somewhat what you are? Like if someone said "am I g*y or bi" or "am I straight or bi" then sure, fine, understandable. But being g*y and being straight are so opposite of each other, how can someone confuse that?




  1. It's very easy to confuse sexuality, especially as a youth. Perhaps str8t and g*y are not opposites.  Same s*x attractions are part of growing up; getting hung up in same s*x desires is  what we call g*y.  

    Knowledge of our true sexuality can be very difficult to attain.  It takes fearlessness, honesty, persistence as well as a knowledge of sexuality grounded in science.

  2. its called Denial or in a rare instance....Asexuality.....  

  3. I understand what you're saying, but in all honestly all I can say is I seriously don't know.  I've been having mixed feelings for the past 3 years or so, and everyday I'm confused.  I seriously do not know what I am.  One day I really like girls but the next I really like guys.  Maybe I'm just reading too much into it, and I should just call myself bisexual and call it quits, but for some reason I still feel like I have to find an answer.  

    I know what it's like when you understand something, and you can't for the life of you understand how someone else doesn't understand it, but trust me, discovering you're sexuality is a complicated progress for most.  It comes with a lot of indecisiveness, and until you find that special someone it is highly possible that you just don't know.

  4. I'm on the same page with you. I can't seem to understand how some people can be confused about their sexuality. I'm heterosexual and never had a doubt in my mind. Even as a little girl, I knew who I was and what I liked–boys.

  5. They may not know exactly what being g*y, bisexual or straight is. If they are unsure of which type of orientation they are, they really need to look at what feelings of attraction they get when they around a certain s*x. If it is of the same s*x only that they feel drawn to, then they are g*y. If it is both sexes they are drawn to, then they are bisexual. If they only are attracted to a member of the opposite s*x, they are straight. Sometimes it can take years for a person to come to terms with and be sure of which s*x they are attracted to most. I hope that answers your question :)

  6. I always say that if you're not sure what you are then you're probably bi-curious :)

  7. HA! It took me 27 years of my life and almost getting pushed into marriage to realize things. It takes some longer then others.

  8. Because denial isn't only a river in Egypt!

    Culturally and religiously, we are conditioned to expect that Snow White will always be awakened by the handsome Prince, and live happily ever after.  We grow up with mommy and daddy and see married couples.

    Because that is the social expectation and is what we have been taught, it can be very difficult to *accept* one's g*y feelings.

    To accept and acknowledge and deal with one's g*y affections opens one up to disapproval, hatred, rejection, damnation in some cases.

    That is terrifying.

    So there are lots of people who are L*****n or g*y but they dare not admit it even to themselves.

    They longingly look at others of the same s*x, have crushes on them, lust after them, all the while saying, "I lust after guys but really I love and want to marry a woman" or "This is not me, this is just a temptation" or "Someday I will grow out of this phase".

    You are right, it is not too confusing.  But it can be terrifying, and many people don't want to admit the truth of who their heart and body really want.

  9. its confusing some of my guy friends that are g*y will  be like that girl s s**y,no hetero....

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