
How can someone open a learning center to mainly focus on students with learning disabilities, ADHD or ADD?

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I am a single parent of a child with ADHD and have seen first hand what goes on in a classroom with children who all have the same problem, and it is not a pretty site. LOL. GOD bless the teachers who are willing to work them. I do notice that alot of the children who are placed in these classes because of ADHD or ADD are behind in grade levels because it is hard to reach these children and to deal with their emotional and behavorial problems while trying to teach basic math and reading skills. Does anyone think it is helpful if I should try to open learning center that would replace school for these children, I would like to offer an hands on learning environment, different rooms for different subjects if possible since they do have a hard time of keeping still and focus lol offer help in dealing with issues of having ADHD or ADD,in house family support groups, counseling for the students, focusing on their education, behavioral, and social needs.




  1. Good for you!  You get it, these kids need you!

    Visit and learn how to get training in a program that will address the root cause of why these students are struggling.

    Once you complete your professional training you could open your own learning center!

  2. I'm a school principal, and while your heart is in the right place, it's not realistic.  If anything, you'd be doing a disservice to these kids.  Unfortunately, one of the hardest lessons they have to learn is coping skills.  The world isn't going to change for them once they get out of school, and putting them in a "special school" won't help them learn what to do once they are outside the classroom.

  3. You have a good heart, but nobody is going to give a rat's *** since  you are not a professional...  I have an Ms>Ed. and  a 22 year old ADHD kid....nice thought but it wont get you anywhere...sorry

  4. Anything that as you say that gets thier attension is always something that will make them focus on something other than what requires stillness and concentration.

    What if the subjects require them to be active.

    For example, you have to create tasks that make them do things.

    Practical tasks which help them to learn math and english etc.

    It could be going to places to research things that is needed, like going out on a bus and having to draw a plan and how to do this.

    Something that they feel attacked to that makes them 'do stuff' would be the perfect incentive to study it first; to write or talk about; and thus learn about it.

  5. I can see that most people have discouraged you. The principals answer is very typical of people who do not want to differentiate instruction for individual learners. It is a very typical excuse and does nothing to help these children. It shows a lack of knowledge of how to deal with people behaviorally.

    There are a lot of parent's who do homeschooling without a teaching degree. I suggest that you enter "home schooling' in your search engine. You will find many resources that support what you are trying to do. I suggest this because there are group schools run by non-teachers.

    This kind of school is really needed. You could apply for charter school status with your school district. I would like to give you some advice for starting such a school.

    *Hire a certified special ed teacher to help you with curricular issues. There is a a great deal that needs to be learned about materials presentation and materials to use. This person can assist you with these aspects of school.

    *Consult with a behavior analyst about how to set up your classes and your rooms and to give you some of the best behavior management systems.  

    *Keep it small at first, until you get your feet under you. You may lose money the first year, but it is money well spent. There could be nothing worse than a school full of 20 kids with ADHD and behavioral issues acting out at one time. I have seen this happen with charter schools.

    Good luck and don't let people discourage you. Some people are born teachers and can be very effective without a lot of formal education.

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