I am a single parent of a child with ADHD and have seen first hand what goes on in a classroom with children who all have the same problem, and it is not a pretty site. LOL. GOD bless the teachers who are willing to work them. I do notice that alot of the children who are placed in these classes because of ADHD or ADD are behind in grade levels because it is hard to reach these children and to deal with their emotional and behavorial problems while trying to teach basic math and reading skills. Does anyone think it is helpful if I should try to open learning center that would replace school for these children, I would like to offer an hands on learning environment, different rooms for different subjects if possible since they do have a hard time of keeping still and focus lol offer help in dealing with issues of having ADHD or ADD,in house family support groups, counseling for the students, focusing on their education, behavioral, and social needs.