
How can someone possibly claim that there is no life anywhere in the universe other then on Earth?

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Scientist figure there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe and they state that half of those stars have multiple planets circling them. So they guess there is at least 4x as many planets as there is stars. For those of you that are not familiar with astronomy, our sun for instance is one of those stars. The next closest star to us is around 272 light years away. That means that if you were in a ship that was traveling at the speed of light, it would take you 272 years to just get to the closest star to us other then the sun. That is how big the universe is, it is not even comprehensible. So how could you possibly think with all of those planets out there, not a single one has any life on it at all? I doubt that any life has ever visited earth but there has to be life somewhere in the universe, it is statistically impossible for there not to be. I dont know if we will ever be able to contact any life, the universe is just too darn big,but I know its out there




  1. Interesting how skeptics in the science & mathematics sections dismiss statistical considersation and set their own odds (50/50) on the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe based on their personal beliefs.

    Yes, the statistical probablity is that both conditions for life and life is abudndant in the universe. (doesn't mean it's true just that odds are in it's favor)

    This is why real scientist (that are skeptical but not skeptics) started SETI (link below) to look for radio signals from advanced civilzations. There are also some efforts to detect possible light sources. The field of astrobiology (of which skeptic and astronomer Carl Sagan had an interest in) was founded in order to study the conditions required for life.

    Also, planetary scientist are looking for Earth life planets and have already discovered Near Earth Like Planets (5-7 times the size of Earth) that are similar distances from their solar sytem host star.

    To claim that there is no life anywhere else OR that there is definelty life out there is opinion and not science.

    The probablity offered by science (statistics, astronomy, etc.) is that life exist and to dismiss this in favor of personal opinion is typical of the bad science frequently posted here on YA.


  2. That would be a combination of ignorance & arrogance.

    For anyone to believe we are the only living race in the universe, just honestly shows how uneducated they really are.

  3. Try researching planet  X. - That's why the governments are tunneling.

    Supposed to be heading our way since it was spotted in the 70's - but they don't want to panic anyone - just like TU24 2 days ago -

    see link here -

    They kept that quiet didn't they?

    Last time it was around  - the Annunaki  (jaguar men) tried adding their DNA to ours, gave the Ark and other technology, then left.

    Look at the Mayan aeroplanes made of solid gold, or indian texts -there is lots to suggest they have been before 12 - 4000 years ago.

  4. Although I'm sure it's happened, I don't recall anyone every saying ours is the only life in the universe.

    Although it appears statistically unlikely we're the planet with life on it, we don't fully understand what it takes for life to begin, so it's difficult to say with any degree of certainty there is life elsewhere.

    What I find entertaining is when people use the probability of life elsewhere to justify the existence of ET UFOs here on Earth.

  5. Um, your argument basically dates from the fifties and appears to be based on Drake's equation. You also do not understand statistics, it's entirely possible that life is so unlikely that it even occurring once in the lifetime of the universe is unusual, when one talks about intelligent life, it's even worse.

    In any event, anyone who claims there definitely IS or ISN'T life elsewhere is talking through their hat, since we simply haven't explored enough of the  universe to say. I've blogged about this, it's an interesting question:

  6. this is there own opinion

  7. Well looking at this from a psychologist's point of view, we (especially Americans) are very centered on our own existence. It's "all about us" and to have to acknowledge others is often a difficult task. I mean think about it - we're shipping our e-waste over to China for "recycling" where it's killing their environment and their people. We're having children in Mexico make our jeans. We kill more animals for food than any other country. Let's face it, Americans just don't think about other lifeforms, be it on this planet or another. It's all about us, and that needs to change.

  8. They are closed minded and won't even entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe...that other life DOESN'T rely on frigging water to survive!!!!!!! That pisses me off more than anything, they keep looking for water to 'prove' other life...duh!!! We're humans, living in this universe...we need water, perhaps other life needs like talcum powder or something off the wall to survive!!!!

  9. Because most people haven't been anywhere in the universe besides Earth.

    And people don't usually believe things they don't see. It's just how people are.

  10. There is life elsewhere besides earth.

    and I really believe that.

    I know for a fact there is, why, I just got back from Pluto, and we had a nice dinner with the dogs there....they all just loved the beggin strips I took to dinner......and of course I went to Satan, where I found the original car makers there, trying to see if their cars get better mileage there.

    ha ha,,,could not resist Mike.....

  11. You are talking about people who are so stupid they believe some dead jew is going to come down from heaven and we are all going to rise up in the air to meet him... if they can believe that... then they can ignore any OTHER truth you care to give them.

  12. I dont know about statistically impossible. I mean, we here on earth fulfill the statistical possibility of life somewhere in the universe. Your saying there is more than this.

    Ok, its very possible, but it hasnt been found yet. Its also very possible that there isnt life out there. I give it even/even odd on there being more life out there somewhere.

    I mean, if I was from another universe, I would say the statitical odds of something as ingenious as banana was statistically impossible without being engineered by someone.

    Honestly, the statistical probability is irrelevant. There either is or there isnt, and I say about 50/50 chance.

  13. People can and do claim whatever it comes to their minds to adopt an opinion about.  

    If the opinion happens to be about whether there's other intelligent life in the universe, or that there isn't, they'll fight to the death to uphold it and do their best to persuade others to believe similarly.

    On this one there's a 50/50 chance of being right, no matter which side you take.

  14. They are just ignorant

  15. It's an opinion that I think just as valid as any other, since no one can prove otherwise. But it's an opinion only since it can't be backed up either. However, I tend to think that life on earth is sufficient evidence to at least admit the possibility that intelligent life arose on other planets as well. I personally hope there is.

    Skeptic, scientist and educator, Dr. Carl Sagan, was also very hopeful that intelligent life existed somewhere in the universe. See the link on SETI for more information.

    I would caution to add that having two possibilities (either yes or no) does not necessarily imply equal probabilities, 50% each. The probability of there being life out there is a real hard number to calculate with any precision and depends on a large number of assumptions, though there have been attempts (e.g., the Drake equation proposed by SETI chairman Frank Drake).

  16. Statistically it's impossible to assume we are the only life in the universe.

    I don't buy into all the UFO sightings and abductions ... but we're not alone. :) If they are all true, why do they only pick the stupid people?

  17. 1) I agree that life MUST exist somewhere else in the universe.

    2) the nearest star is around 4 light years away - not 272

    Spartan - it IS incredible the fact that the farthest known galaxy is 13.2 billion light years away.  It is likely that there are further ones that we just can't detect due to the limits of our instruments!

  18. I definitely think there's life out there, but who's to say whether or not we'd recognize it. Life isn't the same everywhere...or carbon-based.

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