
How can someone recover from postpartum depression/psychosis?

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If a woman suffers from severe postpartum depression or postpartum psychosis, are there things she can do to treat herself and recover on her own (without prescription medication like antidepressants)? For example, is there any evidence that marijuana can be used to treat postpartum depression? What about meditation or diet?




  1. Cranial sacral therapy has been know to help with post pardon depression. It can be a very effective way to help with your bodies natural healing. For more information you can go to It can be a great way to help you with your healing process. And yes a person can recover, but sometimes it just takes time. Good luck!

  2. No to marijuana it will only make it worse...  medications are good but there are also herbal treatments St. John's Wort and others- check with the doctor to make sure if she is nursing that what she takes is okay to take while nursing.  A super recommendation is meditation using a mantra of perfect health and healing.  Keep a healthy diet and exercise and meditate.  It takes time for some women to get through this but you can get through it.  Maybe also consider a therapist - MFT, LCSW, Psychologist, psychiatrist.....

  3. "severe postpartum depression or postpartum psychosis"

    Recovery from severe depression and postpartum psychosis seldom happens without equally serious medication ... prescription anti-depressants and careful monitoring and counseling.

    The ability of the depressed person to function well enough to actually do meditation and make diet changes is just not there. After some time on anti-depressants, the chances of being able to exercise, eat right and meditate increases.

    Sait John's Wort, which is quite useful for mild depression, doesn't work well enough on severe depression.

    Marijuana has no significant, clinically observed anti-depressant effects. It's a mild anti-anxiety drug.

  4. Why do people say things like this, "No to marijuana it will only make it worse" Do you have PROOF of this? Because I used to be depressed and I stopped when I started smoking, it helps you relax and come to terms with everything. And can I tell you some VIP information I learned (nursing school)? You know how you hear about depression being a chemical imbalance in your brain? It's crock... to sell drugs. That was a theory that was pushed and then disproven but still pushed. Actually your brain produces certain chemicals in your brain in response to your surroundings ( people, objects, etc.) These chemicals produce what you know to be emotions. Your body becomes addicted to the chemicals. SO, if you start to associate your school  or work with bad experiences (having to wake up early, see people you don't want to see) your brain produces chemicals that make you feel depressed/sad/angry and the more you produce, the more addicted to it you are, so it starts continues and you become more and more "addicted" to feeling that way. People that feel happy alot are addicted to feeling happy. You do have the power to re-associate, you must learn to control your own mind and pull yourself out of the depression. Dance, sing, talk to people, even if you might not WANT to, because your addicted to those chemicals, you do it anyway, MAKE yourself just let go and not feel that way. Ah, I hope I explained this well, I tried my best, I'm going to see if I can find some links that will explain better.

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