
How can someone stop another from telling vicious lies in court matters?

by Guest59029  |  earlier

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My ex tells so many lies and has such an honest demeanor but lies constantly that how is a judge to be able to distinguish hearsay in similar type matters? Can she be held liable for lying in court and how.Thank you and God bless all




  1. My husband and I are going through the same thing with his ex-girlfriend in court as we're trying to get custody of his son.  So what we do is document EVERYTHING.  We got people who know both parties in the case to write statements (affidavits) to attest to the truth in each situation and when the judge sees that she's the only one telling a different story from everyone else, it will go to show her character in court.  If you have anything in writing or can prove that she's not telling the truth under oath, the judge will take care of her himself.

  2. Hearsay is not permiited in court.  Secondly, if someone is testifying, then they are under oath and if they lie and it is proven that they lied, then it is considered perjury, which is a crime.  So, the attorney would have to prove that the person lied under oath.

  3. Lawyers are trained liars. It is a bazaar fact that judges knowingly indulge everyday. Just hire the best d**n liar that you can afford. Beyond that try to attack her credibility by exposing previous, deceptive behavior. Yes, if she lies in court its' called perjury, a pretty heavy offense. If you can anticipate some of her answers and then have them summarily exposed as lies her credibility would be severely diminished. Try to find a liar that knows where to hit below the belt and how to phrase the question in such a way that she will inevitably fall into a viper pit. I'm not a lawyer, as you can no doubt tell but I've watched so much court tv that I almost feel like one.

  4. well, i watch a lot of judge judy and jj doesnt take hearsay.  she requires a witness, and i image your judge should also.  im sure ALL judges hear a lot of lies too, and are adept at telling a lie from the truth.

  5. People lie in courts majority of the time.

    When going up to the stands, you swear an oath upon the Bible to not lie during the entire court session. People sometimes get away with lying since they're so good at it, but if you're caught lying at any time, you are charged with perjury (lying under oath). Perjury is considered a serious offense as it can be used to usurp the power of the courts, resulting in miscarriages of justice. In the United States, for example, the general perjury statute under Federal law provides for a prison sentence of up to five years.

    So yeah, lying is a serious offense IF they are caught. If you know they're a good fibber, listen to her story real carefully and find a way to turn the tables on her. Best of luck.

  6. Hearsay cannot be used in a court of law. Lies are impossible to stop. You need to protect yourself as much as possible. You ask for a specialty court hearing and ask to be able to legally record all she says to you or you say to her. Then you go and buy yourself a 25 dollar digital recorder at the walmart.

    When you two are in contact, you have the thing on. Record everything you both say. Now, without it being in court records that you plan on taping it all, it cannot be used in a court of law! Otherwise it's entrapment. Unless a cop does it. Don't ask me why it's ok then, dunno. Police country at it's best. ;)

    Anyway, do nothing without credible witnesses and get it into the records you plan on recording it all. There is a 99 dollar recorder at the radio shack that's worth while too as you put it on your phone line or a suction cup on your actual phone and record all she says there as well. I had to do this with my ex. Trust me, best 130 bucks i ever spent! I also made sure i had the courts approval and for some reason it made my ex good for the first week, but i guess he figured i'd stop taping after that?? Dunno. Anyway, i was able to prove much of what i said. He ever so nicely hung himself, verbally, for me.

    If she is caught lying, she can be charged. Often judges do more slapping on the wrist than file criminal charges... but normally it's still worthwhile. It's still apart of a court record that she had lied under oath. Try to get anyone to fully believe you once that is proven.

    Hearsay is when a person claims to have heard something someone else said. I heard my friend saying that his friend was going to comit a crime. Cannot be used in a court hearing. You have no proof the original person really said it. Now, if you hear the actual person say, i am going to comit a crime, than you are now a witness. It was first hand knowledge. If you heard her mother say she was off and running around, it would be hearsay.

    I hope that helps? good luck!  

  7. If it is in court, it will be under oath.  If you can prove that she is lying, it is a big deal.

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