
How can someone under lets say 15 raise $98.50 but can't get a job like work for someone else

by Guest60520  |  earlier

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Gotta raise it on my own in 1-2weeks! 14adys!!!! how?




  1. See what you can sell on eBay. You must have some things that you don't want anymore that would be of value to someone else.

    Otherwise it's the mowing the grass washing cars/windows etc.

    I don't know what you would earn over there but here you pay £15-£20 (almost $30-$40) to have your car hand washed and waxed. It only takes an hour and I'm sure if you just went door knocking you would soon find enough customers.

    How badly do you want it?

  2. Id suggest stuff like:



    -Lawn mowing


    I would be willing to look more up for you if yu'd like drop me a message or chat on YIM I'll see what I can do.

  3. When I was your age I mowed lawns and delivered papers to earn some scratch.

    I guess the newspaper gig has fizzled these days, but you can still mow lawns! And you can offer to back up people's data on their home computers. How about that?

    Can you move a paint brush from a can up to a wall and gently brush that paint back and forth? Why not spruce up your neighborhood?

    You could also recycle like crazy! Collect cans, bottles, etc. $98 is about 6 shopping carts full of crushed aluminum cans.

  4. Babysitting.

  5. I recently joined

    They pay you to do surveys and join free sites, things like that. You won't get rich, but it's free, simple, and 100 percent legit. What I really liked is that I never had to part with "risky" information, like credit card numbers or my SSN. I've made almost $40 so far in the last few weeks doing offers for about 5 minutes a day, but the more you do, the more you make. The people on the forum are really helpful too, which is great if you have questions. Lots of long-time users and knowledgeable moderators. They've really helped me.

    Like I said, you won't get rich (anyone telling you otherwise is probably a scammer), but if you're looking for a little extra cash, it’s worth a try.

  6. hahaha - good luck.

    I would suggest mowing lawns, landscaping and the such but, chances are that you're not going to go out and do that.

  7. Work on your school work, especially English, grammar, and expression.

    You might seek to throw a paper route. It might be possible.

    You can offer to work for parents of friends and relatives. You could become a certified babysitter.

  8. There is jobs out there for young teens if they really want to work. You have the options of many things. like tutoring other students,walking dogs,babysitting,washing cars,mowing lawns,raking leaves,painting,sitting with the elderly,helping around the house for your parent/s.,park/camp jobs (Brec),,cleaning houses,ETc.  

  9. if you cant work for someone else who do you expect to give you money...i guess your only way would be to panhandle as in beg like homeless ppl

  10. Hi

    A friend owns he sells a membership to help people make a living filling out surveys for marketing companies. Give it a try.

  11. Babysit, mow lawns, wash cars.

    You could also give blood and/or plasma.  it's something like $50 a week if you go twice a week.  It varies of course.  Check with your local Red Cross.

  12. cut grass, rake leaves

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