
How can someone vote for Palin when she is killing innocent animals for her pleasure?

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Wait to PETA get a hold to these pictures




  1. Because I also kill innocent animals for pleasure.

  2. Well, better than human babies!!!  (And hey, at least she uses the entire animal - in the spirit of Native Americans...or, did you forget about those people?!!!)

  3. My, aren't we grasping.

    Do you eat meat?  If you do, then you just made a fool of yourself.

  4. we came from hunters and we got where we are today by being the most proficient predator on the planet so i can vote for her better than i can someone that thinks killing animals is bad but killing humans is not  

  5. She probably clings to her guns and religion.

    Oh and if God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them so tasty!

  6. I love that she is feminine and at the same time rugged.  

  7. The real question should be:

    How can someone vote for Obama when he spends my tax dollars murdering innocent born and unborn children?

  8. People have a right to hunt....and I would never think of trying to deny them that right.  But I do think it is a disgusting way to get your jollies.  How sick is it to shoot a beautiful animal like a moose just to watch it die?  So it would definitely factor into my opinion of Ms. Palin.

  9. So---killing unborn babies--or in the case of OBAMA--babies outside the womb that were supposed to be aborted--that is a better choice.


    by the way--if you hunt--and you use the animal for food.   How is that different from buying a BIG MAC.

  10. Oh my basketball

  11. Hmm... PETA are part of the lunatic fringe and they carry no weight in politics.

  12. How do you know the are innocent? Does infanticide count, as Barak Obama believes killing a live baby the mother doesn't want is acceptable?

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