
How can someone who doesn't even know what a Vice President does, be the Vice President?

by Guest45082  |  earlier

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  1. just goes to show you that Mccain had bad judgement skills

  2. Let me answer your question with a question - if YOU were considering taking a new job or accepting a promotion.....wouldn't you want to know what the day-to-day activities, schedule, responsibilities and expectations were before you signed on?????

    This whole thing is being blown out of context,

    What she was doing was (as any intelligent person would) attempting to better understand what exactly her life would be like as VP so she can decide if it is a right fit for her, if she even wants to do it - and most importantly consider what it would mean to her family.

  3. How could obama be President, if he doesnt understand what a president does?

    Im voting for the average gal..Love you Sarah!!!

    Yes world, this is my time to act like a foolish groupie...!

    Mcain/Palin 08 !!!!!

  4. Scary huh? I heard she made that statement. I'm sure she's a nice lady, but my money is on Obama's ticket.

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