
How can someone whose been submitted to a mental hospital get out?

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How can someone whose been submitted to a mental hospital get out?




  1.          It really depends on what the person has been committed for;

    but speaking from personal experience,the people involved in the

    patient's treatment plan evenually want to hear a 'plan of action', how

    r u going 2 keep yourself 'safe'? And a support system;family,friends,

    community mental health resources,medications etc. I spent 1 month in a psych ward once 4 a suicide attempt via carbon monoxide poisoning by a hose hooked up to the exaust pipe of my car.They started talking about the state mental hospital,( I about s*%#  a brick!),& I realized "I'm not THAT crazy",so I told them my 'plan'...they seemed to like what they heard & let me out in 3 days time!  Good Luck!!!



  2. If they have been committed by a family member, by judge, or if there are two doctor's signatures certifying that the patient is committed to the mental institution, then the patient is deemed unfit to act on their own behalf.

    The state or a proxy takes care of the best interests of the patient.

    The patient will not be released until deemed fit to return to society.

    Where I live two doctor's signatures are required to release or a court order.

  3. I think it depends on whether you admit yourself or if your admitted by a professional. If you get admitted by a professional, then you have to complete what needs to be done. If you admit yourself, then im pretty sure your are required to stay in for at least 72 hours and then you can leave, even if it's against medical advice. That's how it is at the hospital I was in.

  4. Yes, if they receive whatever treatment they require successfully and are deemed fit for life outside the hospital.

  5. It depends on whether they were voluntarily or involuntarily committed.  If they were voluntarily committed, they can usually check themselves out.  However, if they are deemed to be a danger to themself or others, they can then be changed to involuntary.  

    Involuntarily committed patients are assigned to a treatment team which includes psychiatrists, phychologists, social workers, nurses and other disciplines.  They, along with the patient, come up with a treatment plan.  Once the patient is stablized to the point where they are no longer a danger to themselves are others they are normally discharged

  6. 3 imporant things. 1-they must prove to their doctor there that they are not suicidal,nor have suicidal thoughts. 2-they must also prove that they are not going to be a danger to anyone else,or have thoughts of hurting anyone else. And 3-they must follow the rules at the hospital,that includes going to the group meetings,taking their meds,and behaving.

    Also, if they do want to get out,and whoever they live with,such as parents,family want them back home,they can talk to the doctor about it and that can really speed things up,but only if they really are following the rules and are not in danger to themselves are others.

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