
How can something that cannot be described be said to exist? ?

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As far as God is concerned. God can be described, though not perfectly. He can be sufficiently described so that we can gain an understanding of His nature, greatness, and differences from ourselves. Though we will always fall short when trying to describe an infinite being, we can still say enough about Him to convey who and what He is so that the concept of God can be communicated.

Thoughts ? Opinions ? Be nice.




  1. I can't work out which half of what you said is supposed to be the straw man.

  2. Well.God this.......God that.....if look in Corinthians Chapter.........

    his only son, Jesus.............God is everywhere blah blah blah.

    Does that help??

  3. Explaining His attributes and nature can be complex I agree, but the concept of a Creator isn't. All it takes is common sense and an open mind. The fact that He can be experienced through a relationship is what is most important for us to convey I believe. Peace.  

  4. Can you describe the colour blue? Does it exist?

  5. Existence of something unfathomable cannot be dependent upon whether we can describe it or not. Why? It is because we have our limitation in spoken words and our mind cannot fathom deep enough to describe the so-called “non-existing entity”.

    For most ordinary people living in this relative world, they consider entities like spirits and soul as illusion and unreal. They consider entities as real if and only if only they can see what they see with their eyes or hear with their ears etc., not knowing that their perceptions are thus limited by our senses.

    On the other hand, to an advanced adept, what is real in this earthy existence is in fact not real. To them, what can be seen, heard, or touched are considered unreal and temporary. These entities are simply, illusions.

    The incapability to fathom/feel the Reality is due to the mind being attracted and distracted to the external world, failing to turn inwards into one’s true inner being and to reside therein.

    Thus, when we pray by turning our mind inwards, we experience an experience that is indescribable. When we meditate in stillness and silence, we are in touch with Reality and feel the blissfulness inside us. The Reality cannot be thus described and can only be experienced.

  6. According to Christianity, God is perfect, we are imperfect - God is infinite and our bodies are finite. So, how can something that is finite and imperfect by able to describe something that is perfect and infinite? This is like saying a grasshopper can tell you all you need to know about quantum physics!  Plus, our ideas of God are only ideas. No matter what you say or think, no matter how much you try to make sense of the situation, God will either exist or not exist and life will go on the way it always has. Our thoughts and ideas only exist in our heads or sometimes on paper or online.

    So, let me ask you something - you asked how can something that cannot be described be said to exist... Well, describe yourself! Describe anything! You can't. You can't fully describe anything. Water is just a word. The word leads us to the actual thing, but it isn't the actual thing. No matter how much you describe water, it still won't be the real thing, so you can't really describe water... Does it exist? And the same thing goes for you - so can you exist???

  7. What about our heart and actions?  Is not this proof that God exists?  

    No, strike that; that God "lives"?  He lives in us, in our hearts and His love is shown through us and our selfless endeavors.  

    We not only must "talk" the talk but, "walk" the walk.  This is the only way I know of that I can show others; He lives!

    2 Corinthians 2:16

    But we have the mind of Christ.

    This enables us to walk in His footsteps!  To think as He thought.

  8. I guess something that cannot be described at all cannot be said to exist, since saying it exists would presuppose being able to describe it. Of course it may still exist (it is entirely possible that there are aspects of the universe that the human brain cannot imagine or describe.)

    For other things, like 5 dimensional space, or quarks, or maybe God, while they might not be able to be fully described, they can be described somewhat, using mathematical models, or loose language, or other meansof representation.  

  9. You can learn a lot about God from the Bible

  10. its all in your head, just let it go

  11. Only the idea of god exists.  To hold a belief in something more is simply blind faith.

  12. As the lyrics of the Bee Gee's song "WORDS" goes...

    "It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away."

    You could add up ALL the words, in ALL the languages that EVER existed in history... and in the future, and still, you could never fully describe God.  Why?  Because words are the "invention" of the finite mind.  Words are crude tools, but the only tools we have for communicating between each other.

    That being said, we try our level best to do just that.  But when it comes to the actual "act" of conversion, it is not something that is done by words alone, but by the "movement" of the spirit.... the Holy Spirit.

    You might say it's the difference between using the word "Kiss" and the act of kissing.... the word "Love" and the act of loving... and so on.  It can be described, it can be captured in a word, or definition, but the actual act is something entirely different.

    The Duck-billed Platypus keeps coming to mind.  When "western" explorers discovered Australia, they discovered this odd "mixed" creature that eventually was called the Duck-billed Platypus. It wasn't a duck, it wasn't a rodent, it wasn't... well... no matter how much they tried to describe it, nothing really "fit."  And when these explorers and scientists even brought back to the "western" cultures the actual animals, much of the scientific community of that day refused to accept its existence... calling it a fraud, hoax, fake!  It took SOME KIND of convincing to change the scientific community's mind about it and finally have it accept the Platypus as a genuine, natural, existing creature.

    It's sort of like that with God.  Those who have seen God have tried their level best to describe Him and communicate that He exists to those who have never seen Him.  Those who accept their witness are blessed... Jesus said to "Doubting" Thomas, "Have you believed because you have SEEN?  Blessed are they who have NOT seen, and yet believe."

    This is the essence of faith.  Faith is that "converting factor" that translates the words to their actual "action."  You might say that, it is the "force" that translates the word "kiss" into the action of kissing... or "love" in to the action of loving.  Faith is what converts the words that attempt to describe God INTO GOD.

    I hope that made some sense!!!

    Have a blessed day.

  13. I believe that the existence of God is best expressed,through the lives he has changed...

    A new convert to the Christian faith shared his new found faith in God with his brother and his brother responded:"Glen,don't tell me...Show me"

    One very humid hot Florida sunday, my vehicle was grounded in a Publix parking lot with a flat tire...A nicely dressed young man,wearing a nice white shirt and dress pants,approached me wanting to help...He opened his trunk and pulled out a hydraulic jack and despite my protests,insisted on doing the job himself...After he had successfully changed the tire,(which I had previously attempted with a faulty scissors type jack),I thankfully pulled out a $10 bill and offered it to him...He quite adamantly refused and after repeated attempts to pay him for his labor,I stated to him that he simply had to take it...While loading his gear back into his trunk,said:"No,i don't..have a nice day,sir...Being so nicely dressed and on a sunday,may have been a clue to some,that this young man had just left Sunday morning worship service...But his cheerful,gentle nature and actions are what convinced me...

    God's is seen in those who know Him...

    ((((Jan P.))))...Thank you...I liked your answer,as well..

  14. I described colors to a blind man once.  He enjoyed this, even though he never really saw colors.  And despite his limitations colors certainly are distinguishable to the healthy human eye.    Read "Flatlands" . A book on 4d.

  15. Its like trying to understand and explaine the universe only hes greater , you cant

    tGod bless

  16. I agree with Bobby....awesome event.

    I believe in God and I believe in the Holy Spirit who like the wind, can't be described.  His presence is felt like the wind but like the wind you can see the effects of his presence without actually physically seeing Him.


  17. Don't know

    I cant really describe (nor can science really) gravity, or magnetism.....therefore....THEY DON"T EXSIST! if you'll excuse me I am going to jump off a roof with this new found knowledge of zero gravity.  

  18. Reverse ontological argument - nice.

    The answer is simple, we can only give the attribute of existence to things that can be described. If we cannot describe God then he cannot be said to exist. The problem is that this (like the ontological argument) doesn't get us anywhere closer to determining whether God does or doesn't exist in reality. It does, however, show that any human being professing to know the will of God is deluded.  

  19. Huh?

  20.    If you want to see God described then read about Jesus who is equal in essence and nature with God the Father and who has a name above every name because He poured out his soul unto death. Himself being the only perfect human being that ever lived and the propitiator of the sins of the entire world. God vindicated Him by raising Him from the dead and also justified every one who has faith in Him or believes in Him.

                                             Jesus       Is       God.

  21. "God can be described, though not perfectly"

    Actually I doubt an imaginary sky thingie can really be described in any way.

    ALL religions have different descriptions of various characteristics of exactly the same thing.

    The ONLY thing that runs through the lot is that 'he' is invisible.

    "so that the concept of God can be communicated."

    It depends completely upon the gullibility of the listener.

    "Christianity in a Nutshell:

    In the beginning, the Biblegod created the universe. He gave everyone free will to act independently. Then he decided that acting independently of his will was a "sin", something he can't abide being in the presence of. So the Biblegod gave us free will but doesn't want us to use it. The logic here makes my brain hurt so we won't dwell on this point.

    Anyway, so the Biblegod's pretty upset about all this sin on earth. Then he came up with a brilliant solution. He sent himself down to earth to assume a human form named "Jesus". He then arranged for himself to be sacrificed to himself. It was the only way he could convince himself to forgive all of us for being sinful.

    For a while, the Biblegod's avatar wasn't sure about this mission that he sent himself on but then reminded himself, "Not my will but my will be done." [Matt 26:31]  Being on the cross was really painful. At one point, he was heard to say "Me, why have I forsaken me".  [Mark 15:34]

    However, all the pain and suffering was worth it. If Biblegod hadn't sacrificed himself to himself, he could never have convinced himself to forgive us and change a rule that he made in the first place.  He made himself suffer and die on the cross in order that we might be saved from his own wrath.

    I'm not sure exactly how bleeding on a cross makes everything better but the Biblegod works in strange ways. Perhaps it’s some sort of therapy for working through his anger management problems. Regardless, he hasn't firebombed any cities lately [Gen 19:24-25] or called for the rape and genocide of entire tribes [Num 31:14-18] since the days of the Old Testament, so let's not argue with what apparently works.

    Anyone who doesn't accept the Biblegod's unconditional love as demonstrated by his act of masochism on the cross shall be cast into a lake of fire to be tortured for all eternity [Mark 16:16]. Remember, the Biblegod loves you and doesn't want to torture you for all eternity but you'll make him do it if you don't believe this outlandish tale.

    Glory to the Biblegod. Amen."

    Stephen F. Roberts: I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.


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