
How can students help in the fight against global warming?

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  1. ........try saving the animals first before tackling GW cause i believe GW is fake

  2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. SO you Reduce new uses and start to reuse, when it is broken, brind it to the recycling center

  3. Why would students or anyone else want to "fight" against something that occurs naturally??!!

    The Earth has warmed and cooled in cycles over and over again for millions of years...... NATURALLY.

    You students may want to research the Ice-Age scare of the 1970's.  There were predictions of a frozen planet..... some scientists even suggested that we cover the North Pole with black soot in order to melt the poles and warm the Earth!!!

    The whole 'man-did-it' global warming cause is a mis-guided ploy to make money.  Don't fall for it.

    If you want to support a legitimate cause like clean water and air, then do it.

  4. have a march were everybody is carrying a candle, no that would be adding to it. Ah, if everybody stayed home and never went anywhere, we can save the planet.

  5. Students already are, by choosing careers that allow them to participate in cutting-edge research programs in the U.S. and throughout the world.

    Other universities are "going green" and constructing carbon-neutral and sustainable facilities.

    Students at some institutions have made pledges to improve their carbon footprint and lead sustainable lives on campus and at home.

    You can educate others through your own behavior and by joining one of many groups involved in combating global climate change.

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