
How can teenagers build strong family relationships?

by Guest57607  |  earlier

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strong family relationships




  1. spending time with them

  2. communicate, communicate, and share the love.

  3. To stop being rebels without a cause and actually trying to understand some of the things their parents do/don't let them do.  Oh yea and actually being open and TALKING to their parents...

    Although some parents are too ignorant and impatient to take the time to understand their kids, they too need to participate in the communication process to assist the teenagers in building a strong family relationship.

    I respect my parents to the fullest, they sacrificed a lot for me and did a h**l of a lot for me, and  i wasn't afraid to let them know how i felt, nor did i care to indulge in the 'fast n free' type of lifestyle so in that regard i gave them relief cause i was a pretty laid-back moral kind of guy.  

    But communication and respect is probably the biggest things teenages need to work on..that and humbling themselves to realize not everyone in the world is below them and their own self-awareness isn't universally correct.

  4. If the teenagers want to build the family relationships then that is half the battle....parents need to listen to their teens with out judgment (hard I know) Teens should foster a strong independence and mastery towards thier life...this is so important to develop identity.  I also think that teens should have a strong sense of belonging to their family.

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