
How can tell if you are a mongol or not? ?

by Guest32086  |  earlier

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I have been told my mum that we have mongolian descent, I have always doubted that, because I dont look mongol at all (I have big eyes with double eyelid, my face is long rather than broad), though a few of my uncles and one of my brothers do look mongolian.

So are there any features that are unique to mongols? My blood type is B+, does that say anything? I heard that you get this blue mark on your bum when you were born, which slowly disappears as you grow older ...




  1. they have yellowish skin w/ small eyes & smaller frame.

  2. DNA testing will probably tell you. But you or some expert has to know what to look for.

  3. There aren't any distinguishing marks ( the blue mark is a myth) except for the Asiatic features if there's enough Mongol blood in you.

    Oh, yeah - you may be related to Genghis Khan - he apparently fathered a LOT of children and h still shows up in geneology tests for a lot of people.

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