
How can the American people fight the media and the government's misleading disinformation?

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I would like to ask this question in a general context, under the belief that the same people who run Washington also control and censor the media.

I will give a few examples.

1. The attacks of September 11TH was motivated by Americans foreign policy. It is also referred to as blow back.

We are desired to react emotionally therefore we are fed nonsense propaganda over and over about how much they hated our freedoms... ... ... We take no responsibility. Often those who speak about the truth are accused of lack of patriotism. Are we being told that critical thinking is unpatriotic?

2. Ron Paul was said to be talking about secret forces and conspiracy theories. In reality he was talking about factual organisations and plans and strategies that are being slowly implemented. Is he crazy for acknowledging the building block as history repeats?

3. The war in Iraq was presented to the American people with misinformation and deception.




  1. Unfortunately there is little you can do other than stop watching corporate media.  Contrary to popular belief, the truth is not out there.  Sorry

  2. Study history..

  3. DON"T WATCH!   Seek out alternative news outlets, foriegn and domestic.

    Oh yeah, and be sure to read Cornel West's "Democracy Matters:  Winning the Fight Against Imperialism."

  4. sounds nice.

  5. You're a loony nutjob. Hush.

  6. the media is misinforming the citizens of the United States now, there are so many GOOD things happening in Iraq and no one is reporting on them! ask our soldiers how they feel, ask the military what is being accomplished, and ask the people in Iraq about the good that the allied forces have made... show that on abc, nbc and cbs for a change!

  7. I agree to point #1. The attacks on America were a result of American foreign policy... with one counter-point. The policy of promoting free trade and womens rights and freedom of religion does not warrant a cadre of suicide bombers.

    Point 2

    Ron Paul is a mis-informed (though well -intentioned) congressman. Never be president so why ask about his presidential mindset? Pointless.

    Point 3

    Finally, the war in Iraq has been represented to the American people with bias. The dinosaur liberal media would rather "sell" a story that insults the "ELECTED GOVERNMENT" than one that represents the war on a more personal level; like the media coverage of WW2. Now THAT was news!

  8. By not voting for incumbents.  By writing letters to the editor of their newspapers.  By writing to their senators and representatives.

  9. I believe the only way we can fight misleading, incorrect, incomplete information is simple awareness of the fact that the media only tells us what we want to hear. If people can keep that in mind, they can become a lot more open-minded and knowledgeable about what is going on in today's world.

  10. Easy.  Look up and read the source documents for yourself.  For example - you can read Al Quaeda's doctrinal documents online.  And if you did so you would realize that AQs goal of driving western influence out of the Middle East was only part one of their plan.

    It looks like you managed to mislead yourself on this issue.

  11. You're close.  But 911 wasn't "blow back."

    I think it's hilarious that Bush said 'our enemies hate us for our freedoms' then eviscerates our rights at every opportunity - solidifying the truth that he is our enemy!

    What can we do about the media?  Well, I don't listen to them except for comedy value.  I get my news from the Net.  We can avoid products which advertise on the dis-info networks, but unfortunately, that pretty much covers every item we ever buy.

    But please, 911 wasn't blow back.  As far as we know thus far, the only Arabs involved in 911 were Pakistani ISI agents, and flight school patsies.

  12. really you sound like you're just parrotting LW talking points yourself, so you cannot proclaim to possess any particular discretion between propaganda from either side as you're obviously skewed

    at least try to sound mid-way

  13. By turning off the television, thinking for themselves, and reading 1984.

  14. You are right, the news in America is really misleading.  I know where you can get uncensored news-the kind of information that is not misleading.  

    Try to tune in to the Iranian government's news agency.  Listen to the news directly out of the mouth of their president-Ahmadinejad.  

    It is really a shame that all over the world, especially in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. there is so much freedom of information, freedom of speech, and no news is ever censored, but we have no freedom here in America and we can't even trust the news.   Don't you wish you lived in one of those free countries?

  15. I feel no need to fight, because I don't buy into conspiracy theories. Sure our government lies, but everybody lies.

    I can't back up your question because I feel you are wrong.

  16. Turn off the tv. Turn on the radio and listen to Greg Szymanski's Arctic Beacon on Liberty Radio Live.

  17. i watch the news in spanish... they report on world wide situations, its not the same info you get on the english news.

  18. Osama Bin Laden didn't bother the U.S. until we had bases in Saudi Arabia.  He stated that our military on their holy ground defiled it.  It is my understanding that we have no more bases in Saudi Arabia at this time.  I'm not sure that has ever been reported in the mainstream media.

    The SPP and the Nafta Highway are very real.  They have websites about their proposed plan and Congress has voted to block the highway.  People didn't get to vote about the European Union.  They are still trying to ratify their new constitution.  This idea seems too far fetched for the majority of people here to accept but this has been in the making for at least 20 years.  Diversity and globalization are a part of the plan.  People aren't seeing the handwriting on the wall.

    Thank goodness the latest news about Iran having stopped their nuclear weapons plans in 2003 were reported by the CIA to the mainstream media or we would probably still be gearing up for war there.  Bush was getting us ready for WW III with fear tactics again.  This situation has suddenly become a diplomatic rather than an immediate military threat.

    I'm not sure you can completely blame the media because they can only report the news as it is given to them and it has to be what is considered a reliable source.  That used to be the government.  Not sure what is reliable now.

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