
How can the ESP be perform completely?

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How can the ESP be perform completely?




  1. 1. Prove that ESP exists

    2. If it exists, how do you perform it?

    3. What does it mean to perform ESP "completely"?

  2. The best ESP trick I know needs to be done in front of a group. You ask about 5 questions, and have everyone in the group write them down, put thier responses in sealed envelopes and put them in a bowl.

    You then pick them out one by one and know the answers before you open the envelope. People will be amazed at your ESP abilities.

    The trick is to have one person in the audience who is a plant. The first one you pick up, you give answers, to which that person agrees are correct. Actually you are reading someone elses answers. The next envelope, you recite the answers you just read in the last envelope.

    Good luck

    Oh, ESP is not real, its just magic.

  3. By "complete" ESP do you mean complete mind reading?

    Since ESP has not been even remotely verified I would venture that we should hope for "minute" ESP before we can address the possibility of complete ESP.

  4. I don't know what you mean by "completely". But to answer the question, "How can ESP be performed conclusively", you would need an experimental protocol with tight controls and rigorous statistical analysis, and positive results that are not simply tiny statistical anomalies. This same experimental study with the same controls would have to be replicated many times by different research groups and likewise produce positive results.

    While there is some debate on whether such an experimental study has actually been performed once (look up "ganzfeld"), there is no real debate on the fact that it has never been replicated. The lack of repeatability, among other things, is what dooms the paranormal to its pseudoscientific status.

  5. By meditating and being in touch with the universe. good luck

    oh and drop the ego

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