
How can the English be proud of their Olympic haul, when it takes 4 UK countries to beat Australia?

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Seriously, England are a joke, fine Great Brittain did extreamely well (by UK standards at these games), but seriously why does it takes England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wale COMBINED to beat Australia on a poor day for us Aussies???




  1. Get your S**t stars off our flag!!!

    You shouldn't of had an "off" day, you had 4 bloody years to practice!

  2. Doesn't Australia have States, like New South Wales? Same difference.

  3. UK - Country

    Australia - Continent

    Your argument is superfluous.

  4. Basically because we beat you! hahahahahahaha

  5. Good on ya blue.It averaged out at £10 million per medal.I hate to think what its going to cost us 2012

  6. There is an easy answer to this. When the USA had sour grapes about their medal haul they ensured that things they are good at became olympic sports. IE Golf,Basketball, etc.  Suggestions for the Aussies London 2012   1. Number of people that can be squeezed into a Volkswagon camper  2. Olympic B.B.Q. contest. 3.How big a pile of empty tinnies can be created by a team of 4 in 5 minutes (Serious competition from the Germans on that one) 4. Toughest female bar brawling competition.  I may be a Pom but i accuse the Aussies of being the most instantly likable,friendly,and open people in the world.

  7. G'day Mite.

    Try not to be too bitter.

    I'm sure the Aussies will do much better when they introduce sheep sh... sh... shhhhhhh... earing as one event, and drinking Castle main 4X for another.

    And I'm sure you lot would pan us poor old Brits when it comes to singing like Kylie Minogue :o)

    You should be so luckeeeee...

    Lucky, lucky, lucky LOL

  8. You remind me of the old joke "What's the difference between a yogurt and Australia?" "Yogurt has culture"

  9. So what event did you compete in? You must have worked very hard for most of your life to come up with this question. Yes, we can do sarcasm too.

  10. Bit pathetic - are you sure you are an aussie?  Probably one of those people who's parents moved out there from England.

  11. If you feel that way,do something about it!

  12. Normally Britain is too busy being obsessed with the Game of Morons (soccer) to achieve in other areas at the level one would expect from a population of 60million. However, there is a general movement away from this most obnoxious of 'sports' and a resurgence of interest in real athleticism. Long overdue in my opinion. Therefore you are doomed to a life in our shadows!!!!!

    Also, we have a lot more things to hold our interrest here than sheep, surfing, cricket, rugby and weak beer. Like history, culture and class.


  13. Shut up you sore loser :P

    Oh and by the way, you should probably look at your history because your ancestors were convicts from England.

  14. Meow!!

    Sour grapes maybe?

    So, it's not sour grapes then, it's part of a bigger 'ism' you have against the British?  That's your misfortune.

  15. How can Australia be proud of their haul when it takes 7 Australian states to achieve their medals? Why aren't you moaning about the US - what precisely is the difference between united states and united kingdoms?

    We beat you fair and square, so stop whinging. You've beaten us for years and years - it's hardly fair to only be sporting when you win is it?

  16. Australians are supposed to be great sportsman, why cant they just accept defeat like Gentleman.

  17. take it like a man. Sore loser!  

  18. Oh dear - we have rattled your cage, haven't we!

    And why are your differentiating (or is that too long a word?) between UK and GB?

    You just didn't perform well, just admit defeat, won't you!  Everyone has an off day it's just that we decided that the Bejing Olympics were not going to be Team GBs off day!


  19. Australia is bigger than UK combined... I don't understand your arguement, when you consider the UNITED states have you got an arguement for them as well? Cos they whipped yer @sses as well...

  20. Team GB only entered the olympics with around 200 athletes (I think) other countries had way more... but GB still managed to own!

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