
How can the Human Aura be Seen?

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I cannot find Kilner Goggles, or a magenta filter, what can I use to see the human aura that healers talk about.




  1. I think I saw a Human Aura hiding in the woods along with it's pet unicorn. They are very elusive, human auras, and come in a variety of colors according to the way they feel. Only 'special' people can see them.

  2. Who you calling an "Aura"?...The last time I saw auras is when I just got out of an over clorinated pool...tho even the lamposts had them...

  3. Hello Scorpion

    Seeing the aura lies within your third eye/Brow Chakra,  as this it where your true vision lies, to try to see it with the naked eye is a waste of time.

    The aura can be felt, smelt, sensed in all manner of ways, as with all psychic abilities it requires dedication & patience.

    As a healer I pick up the energy via my hands which is then seen via my Brow.


  4. dmt might help.

    or you could just go get some antimatter klepton goggles, theyre in the same aisle as the flux capacitors.

    you're one of these people

  5. maybe by practicing chakra balancing on yourelf everyday, opening your eyes more and doing meditation daily. but not every healer can see auras.

  6. Do you actually believe that?  

  7. I think if you get some books on how to balance you chakras you might be able to do this eventaully. When I was about 4 years old I was a very spiritual child & could hear angels speaking to me. They guided my life & I did what they told me to do. They told me I would be allowed to see auras & I didn't know what that meant. They said colors around people. My father heard me talking to them & wanted to know what I was saying but they had already told me not to tell the adults ( that was another word I didn't know what they meant & they had to explain the big people) so my father found out I was talking about colors & thought I wanted to color. He went through alot of trouble to buy me a coloring book. I then colors around the people (outside the lines) he was very upset that I couldn't understand I had to color inside the lines. Anyway, I soon ended up wearing glasses which eventually really messed up my eyes & I wear glasses still 45 years later. So I think you can do it though spiritual growth. I do something called EFT which has helped me get off of pain meds & I went to something about it today it is great stuff & I am going to start using it more & working with others so they can have its benefits. Look up EFT Gary Craig & see if it can help you with that.

  8. try this website

    and if you only want to see then place the person you want their aura with the back to a plane colour wall or screen, the light in the room has to be less then medium and there shouldn't be any direct light comming from your back to the person's face

  9. This website might help

  10. i think its a gift, my best friend i have known since i was 5 has a mom that is a healer and she sees auras.

    my best friend can see them too, i REALLY wish i could too. sorry that doesnt answer your question though haha

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