
How can the U.S. Olympic teams compete against China in 2012?

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What needs to be done with the U.S. Olympic organizations to compete with China in 2012? Obviously China is a force to be reckoned with and is not going away. The U.S. needs to make changes but how and what?




  1. We can't compete.  There's no way you can get American parents to send their little ones off to some training camp only to see them once every five years.  I mean, you're talking about parents who can't even let go when their 18-year-olds go off to college.  

  2. If they both do great in their own region and also come up in the tops..

  3. I think they will take up some of the training style of the former Soviet Union. If the do I think the USA will be a force to be reckoned with.

  4. I agree with the gut that said china is only a force in some sports like the ones he mentioned. I think those are the only sports that they really focus on and try to do well/ get gold in. So the U.S can beat china if we spread out our sports variety and focus on getting gold in all of them instead of being like the chinease and only focus on certain sports.

  5. The reason is the US is one of the most successful countries in the Olympics isn't because they always get the first ranking or "win the gold medal count".  It is because we (the USA) always finish near the top of the medal counts.  I think 1980 Olympics is the only the US hasn't competed in.  My parents (58 and 55 years of age) recalled watching many Olympics where the US lost a lot to USSR.

    I really don't see why China dominating the Olympics is so shocking when USSR and East Germany dominated the Olympics pretty much from the 60's to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990's.  I think quite a few in this forum are too young to realize that.  

    I am not that old, but I was old enough to remember the horror stories about state sponsor sports schools/programs that came out of Russia and East Germany when the Soviet Union collapsed.  East Germany had state doping program.  That is why China's sports schools make me feel uneasy, even though they are no where near as bad as USSR or Easy Germany.  I doubt they would get that bad b/c globalization and the internet won't allow them to hide such a thing.

    There are a few things the US needs to focus on.  US society should be a little more athletic/sports focused, since obesity is a problem. A little bit more government funding and media focus on other sports to attract interest.  Above all our athletes doing the best for themselves and their country.

    The worst thing the US can do is adopt government sponsored programs to increase medal victories.  

    A lot of people in this forum have really bashed the sportsmanship of the US.  Calling us "sore losers".  The day the US implements government ran training schools and programs is when we lose face.

  6. By doing their best and them being happy while doing it. Not forced and pressured.

    A person who knows he is the best knows he doesn't need to compete.

  7. Anyways the track and field needs improvement and Jamaicans has put a dent to US' hopes.

    [[ashlee_n...]] Is she serious? What about weightlifting? We have the best 2 Chinese Beach Volleyball team if the May/Walsh retires. The Chinese Women's swimming team are better. Trampoline: 2 Golds for Men and Women. China has an okay Taekwondo and Judo team. China's rowing team is getting better.

  8. China is only a "force" in certain sports: synchronized diving, gymnastics, ping pong, etc.

    I think our athletes try their best and that's all that really matters.

  9. If you consider the returns for the our efforts and investments, we are doing very well in the Olympics compared to China.  For the US, the Olympics is mere recreation and the federal government does not fund any Olympic athletes, where in China, the athletes taken care and provided for by the government year round.  Their main emphasis is winning.  

    Their success in this year's Olympics is partly due to home field advance, as history, the hosting nation has very good results compared to other years.

    I don't think much needs to be changed, except we did make a lot of mental mistakes and practice and discipline should solve that.  

  10. CHina seems to do well in judged sports in an olympics they have said they wanted to win and have already been caught being dishonest in fireworks, singing, and the backgrounds of children. All of those things don't help them win medals so how could you think they are not influencing the sports somehow.

  11. In my opinion it really more about discipline on our part. And that goes for US against anyone in the Olympics. The USA basketball team is talented and disciplined this time. Not like 4 years ago when they only got third place because they didn't care.  We need to revamp our track , boxing , and some others to get gold next time.  

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