
How can the U.S. pull out of its economic slump?

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How can the U.S. pull out of its economic slump?




  1. By learning that it is not not the unelected world policeman and looking after its own citizens.

  2. Stop spending billions of dollars on an unnecessary war. Stop corporations from exporting jobs overseas. Reduce the use of fossil fuels to increase supply and decrease prices. Reduce the obscene salaries and bonuses that corporate execs get, and give workers higher wages. REDUCE THE NATIONAL DEBT to the levels of the Clinton years.  

  3. The economy is cyclic.  It's gone down some since late last year, but it's been picking back up lately.  It's actually been going like gangbusters since the slight recession of 1999 and we took another hit in 2001.  

    It can't always be going up, but last quarter showed a 2 percent growth, so perhaps it will continue that way.

    Notice that the last recovery came after the president lowered taxes for all us overtaxed citizens.  This combined with shrinking spending by the government is always a way to boost the economy.

    It would also help to pay down our national debt.  It's at 53 trillion right now. Over 40 trillion of it is medicare and social security, so fixing social security would be a start.  

    We were all for privatizing a small portion of it for our security.  What happened to that idea?

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