
How can the U.S raise Scientfic/technological output? And why is that not more of a concern?

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I was just thinking about the importance of science/technology and their potential to make the world a much better place or even save the human race from self destruction or from destruction by natural disasters. For example science and technolgy can be used to: cure all diseases, new sources of energy, ability to fend off asteroids and other potential catastrophies, limit effects of global warming, allow us to generate more resources on our planet and on others, Allow us to live in an sweet computer simulated reality, help us get our work done more effectiently (Robots or Super intelligent computers)etc. Basically there are many great things science can do for the world, assuming it is done carefully (no computers getting out of human control like matrix)

So I am wondering, is the science/tech output maxed out in the U.S like it should be? And if it is not maxed out how can it be? Or is there nothing that can be done to max it out?

Either i am super crazy or this is important..




  1. Hahaha.  If the US really cared about that, then they'd focus a lot more on education, specifically K-12.  Graduating high schools students are typically not prepared to enter college, even if they try to do so.  Many of them have a degree but can't do 9th grade algebra.  Many don't know the difference between science and religion, fact and opinion.  And can you blame them, considering how many states are currently trying to approve 'academic freedom' laws so that teachers can teach their own religion as fact, and students don't have to learn the material because they can't get marked down for saying 'god did it' for every answer?

    Already, about 50% of our university graduate students in science and technology are foreign students - we can't compete any more.  And it's just going to get worse.

  2. Emphasizing science and technology would indeed benefit mankind.  But not all problems of man are technical or scientific.  Some are laziness, and some are simply, as Robert Burns so eloquently put it, "man's inhumanity to man."  The 'me first' selfishness pervading modern society leads people to do whatever seems to benefit them, whether it benefits man or not.  The belittling of religion denies the key role of glorifying God in motivating the earliest scientists, or the 'Protestant work ethic' in overcoming the selfishness to get something done for your family or for society as a whole.  But if your religion motivates you to do nothing more than idle contemplation or murdering your fellow man, it's not doing society much good.

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