
How can the UK make any difference to global CO2 emissions?

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UN figures show that the UK accounts for 2% of global CO2 emissions.

So, even if we were to achieve the impossible and half our emissions, this would only reduce global emissions by 1%, and that would be made up by China, India and the US in a day or two.

So why bother?




  1. Well, if everyone says "why bother", then nothing will ever be accomplished.

    That is why we have international agreements.  A few strong countries take the lead and set an example, and then other countries follow.  

    Why do we spend millions searching for a cure to some disease when that disease accounts for less than 1% of deaths?

  2. Exactly my thought. The fact is that it is an excellent tax revenue excuse for this bankrupt labour government and  the Brussels dictators. The fact is that CO2 will have little effect of global temperatures and it is the heat absorbed by the land and sea, particularly the sea, that have caused the change. Once the cloud cover increases as evaporation from the sea increases a fall in temperature will be felt and then I wonder what the Global Warming scientists will then say as all their theories collapse.

  3. To change counties attitude on pollution will be a long haul for those such has the USA and China. But buy making   a small effort will  show those countries, that by making the change now you will become more efficient in terms of power consumpion and wealth due to the new technology's that we should be investing in now.

  4. Any reduction will make a difference and if we say "Why bother?" the rest of the world will think the same way. It's about setting a good example and encouraging others to follow.

  5. In the short-term it can't make any difference whatsoever. There's such a thing as leading by example, though. However, although I accept that human activity has increased CO2 in the atmosphere, I'm not at all convinced that CO2 is forcing climate change; it is a by-product of climate change and not the cause, whatever Al Gore might think.

  6. The result of global warming will be drastic global cooling, nobody in the UK will survive the Ice Age that follows so why worry and keep on doing what you are doing?

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