
How can the US fund a war and cut taxes?

by Guest61612  |  earlier

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How can the US fund a war and cut taxes?




  1. By borrowing our country so far in debt with the Chinese that they could take over the world and we wouldn't be able to say a peep. They could crash our economy any time they want.

  2. don't make sense. shame on bush. impeach him!

  3. Silly liberal most people know that when taxes are dropped the revenue to the IRS goes up! This is an undisputable fact that you would know if you would educate yourself instead of spewing partisan misinformation and lies.

  4. By borrowing money (from China) - that is what they mean when they talk about the deficit.

  5. Well it is a first, we were told we would have to sacrifice, and we did, we sacrificed our standing in the world community, we sacrificed our treasury, we sacrificed our children's legacy, we sacrificed our children.

    What wasn't touched is the entitlement of the wealthy.

    What wasn't touched is the continued stability of Social Security,

    What wasn't touched is the continuing problem of health care.

    We are told that the  government can't run a proper health care program, even though we are the only industrialized nation that doesn't have one, and that's why we should vote them in again.

    Too many of us are living in La la land, where it only happens to other people until it happens to us.

    We cannot singlehandedly fund a war, and still cut taxes on those who can most afford it.

    How do you think we got into the economic mess we are in?

  6. Easy - cut taxes to stimulate the economy.  As we all learned in the democratic debates, when you reduce taxes (the capital gains tax, for example), investment increases and tax revenues also increases.  When you increase the size of the pie, you don't have to beat down your neighbor to get more cherries.

    Simultaneously, you have to stop spending on unnecessary things like $300 million to Planned Parenthood ever year (who turns a profit even without the handout), and $950 million per year to the UN.

    Finally, if you're able, try to get a piece of that sweet, Iraq oil rights money.

  7. When our government raises marginal tax rates, annual tax receipts go down.  

  8. By borrowing untold billions of dollars from the Chinese. Problem is, the Chinese are using those dollars to buy property and businesses here in America. If we continue to import a major portion of our oil from Saudi Arabia, and if we continue to borrow money from the Chinese, the future for the next generation is bleak.

  9. the US is borrowing that money from CHina.  How can the US decrease the deficit and cut taxes at the same time is what I want to know. The republicans will say it can be done, well it sure isn't looking like it's working now.  No wonder Dems have to raise taxes to fix republican fiscal ir-responsiblity.  

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