
How can the USA have so many illegal immigrants?

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I mean yeah i imagine it wouldnt be difficult to get in but how do they manage to avoid detection for so long you hear about people who have been there for years and surely not every immigrant does bar work

I would be far too afraid to overstay a visa you would be looking over your shoulder 24/7




  1. because nobody pays attention to the laws of America

  2. Because even the lowest echelons and areas in America is freer,safer and potentially more prosperous and preferable to where they came from.!

  3. I think lots of people miss the point. It is not an issue of whether someone immigrated here (My husband is a LEGAL immigrant) It is the fact that they dont get it done legally. WHen they p**s and moan about how hard it is to get a greencard I know that is a crock of c**p because my husbands whole family had no problem. It just means putting in a little effort. So for everyone talking c**p to people who dont agree with illegal immigration get your facts straight before you open your mouth.

  4. Yeah about 300 000 000 of them!

  5. It's very sad but true. Where I work there are a lot of undocumented immigrants wishing to attend school. The school actually allows them to register and attend classes. They also pay instate tuition which I think is unfair. The only thing they don't receive is financial aid. But they are more than willing to find the money and pay for classes.

    People are that desperate to leave their own country, they are willing to live in another one illegally. How they survive and stay happy, is a mystery to me. I couldn't live my life in constant fear of the law.

    Edit: To "Sharonmineonly", they are most certainly in fear of eventually getting caught. Many of them just have thick skin which in that case, it will appear they really aren't afraid. In other words, they are in constant fear. You just aren't able to detect it.

    Edit: To "brittanystasiak".....It's clearly evident you misunderstood what I was trying to say. So let me explain it to you again because obviously I wasn't typing it in english the first time around. So let me spell it out in PIG-LATIN for you.

    I don't oppose anybody trying to get an education. I SAID I STRONGLY OPPOSE THAT FACT THAT THEY PAY INSTATE TUITION. ONLY THOSE WHO PAY STATE TAXES SHOULD RECEIVE INSTATE TUITION. I never said they don't deserve an education.

    {sidenote: Learn to read sweetie}.

    We all want to help those who are less fortunate and are trying to make a better life for themselves. I just have a firm belief in doing things the right way to make it fair for everyone else. So before telling me what you "think you know" learn to bl**dy well read or keep quiet. I have an extremely strong stance on education and think everyone deserves it. Don't come with your arrogant remarks about what type of person you think I am. You don't know a d**n thing about me. I've done more education wise for people who were less fortunate than you'll ever know.

    People like you are for the "birds". Your opinions and remarks about me lack experience. With that said, you seriously need to take a seat somewhere and don't get up.

  6. Business hire them, and help falsify documents.  Not until we start punishing these business and stop the financial incentives will illegal immigration stop.

  7. They commit identity theft so they disguise themselves as Americans and I'm American so I speak for all Americans when I say that everyone knows that the mexican working at McDonalds is illegal but nobody seems to be willing to take the step to report them. I have wrote to  congress several times regarding the issue but nothings happening your question is the same question every legal American wonders everyday if we don't do anything soon America is going to fall.

    On top of everything mexicans are the kind of people that you would not want in your country they kill, they rape, they steal etc.

    There's a sight that explains just how bad illegals are.


    Then they complain that we complain that there here they always bring in the example of how all Europeans came to America illegally and that just explains how messed up those people are considering that Europeans founded America.

  8. In the first place, under both the Clinton and the Bush administrations, the Border Patrol was not funded.  You had one man looking at a 300 miles of border, and in fact, all those whiz-bang electronic fence devices were not there.  Nor was the money for new hires.  It was for the illegal aliens, basically, pick a spot and walk over here.

    We have policies  that encouraged the local authorities to stay out of the immigration detention business as though it was typhoid mary.  The Federal Government would not pay for the Jail time.. and still don't in full.. and small communities cannot afford to put those folks in jail for an extended period of time.  

    Far to often, the Border Patrol was looking at the men they had, and the time they had along with cars with 150,000 miles on them, and they simply told the local jailer who called to kick them loose.

    In about 1994, they came up with a program and the PC, and the ink jet computer that would make perfect copies of American Documents.  Walla... they come over the bridges.. flash their computer reproductions, and head for the U.S.  That began the invasion and many of those folks are still here.  The real I.D. is coming along and if it is good.. and it could be good if the Senate gets off the Bourbon and pills.. and those guys will be going home.

    Since the fake I.D.s came along, the Mexican Mafia has been selling them in the parks of Mexico and the Untied States.  They used stolen or made up SS Numbers.  These days, they have fairly high quality numbers that cannot be detected easily, that come from newborn children in the United States.

    Per the visa overstayers... those represent a small portion of the illegal aliens in this country.  They want to convince everyone that is not the case, but the states and the investment firms know that IS the case.  If Mr. Bush could keep those numbers small, when he demands amnesty he will be able to say there are only 8 million illegal aliens and the real cost of keeping them in the U.S. will only be $23.97 apiece per year.  Bear Stearns said well over 20 million illegal aliens in this country, and the Heritage Foundation did the numbers and found the cost of the illegal aliens if we provided amnesty would be over 2.2 trillion dollars.  I don't believe President Bush.. I do believe Bear Stearns and the Heritage Foundation.

  9. I don't think they live in fear..the punishment is only to be sent back to where they come from. I don't think i ever met an illegal immigrant that was fearful.

  10. There is a reason why there are so many here without having problems. They stay out of trouble, work a lot and live their life as a normal person would. Companies hire them without problems and the government overlooks the fact that undocumented people are employed.

    Don't expect the government to deport the 12 million + people without papers. As much as it is denied they do the jobs that most of us don't want to do, it's true..AND they do a good job at that.

  11. Look over your shoulder for who? No one is looking for them! I know people that are in the US illegally and have been here 25 years. They go home and visit and come back all the time with no trouble.

  12. Lack of enforcement for a long time.

  13. kid, if you knew how bad they had it in their home country, you would know that having to go to court in the U.S. is 1,000 times better than what they had to go through back home. people come here when they are desperate for better opportunities and freedom. as citizens of the 'melting pot' of the world, americans are supposed to ACCEPT immigrants as their own people. and many of us do do that. i know i do.

    p.s. the fact that 'Deelani' thinks its "sad" that immigrants are allowed to attend school and try to better their lives has got it @ss backwards- its people like her that think they are superior to people from other countries, and they are the only ones that deserve opportunities, that is sad.

  14. Because you have to be PC in America!  If you go around accusing everyone hispanic you see of being illegal they cry foul and say you're profiling.  They're not even worried about it, no one can accuse a minority of anything in this country!  Without being labeled racist that is.

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