
How can the United States rebuild its international reputation ?

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The international reputation of the United Sates is in tatters after years of shameful disregard for human rights. The invasion of Iraq was illegal and has precipitated the most disastrous civil war. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis are dead along with far too many brave members of the US Military. But sadly for every honourable soldier there have also been despicable abuses by others at Abu Ghraib where torture and abuse of prisoners was widespread .

So what now? How can the US recover its standing ?




  1. we have the best advertising agencies in the world. surely a PR campaign can win over some of the borderline countries

  2. Bush must be impeached.

    If America does not demonstrate that we are a nation of laws, and that our GOVERNMENT is held accountable, we can NEVER regain our standing.

  3. You say our invasion of Iraq was illegal. HOW? WHY?

    Be precise--exact.

    Was it because the United Nations did not approve it beforehand?

    If your answer is yes, that will bring up many-- much more serious-- questions.


    You say hundreds of thousands of Iraquis are dead because of the USA. Prove it.

    Saddam Hussain killed an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 of his own people in his last ten years.

    He had people taken from their beds at night, taken to a remote field, machine gunned down and buried with a bulldozer.

    He had dissenters tied to a post in the village square and the people ordered to be there to watch as his tongue was cut off and he bled to death.

    These are from the early on NYT's reports.

  4. Step one, elect Barack Obama...

  5. We will never please all of the people, Its pointless to try

  6. I can't understand what you call torture,    WHEN THEY   CUT OUR HEADS OFF.      WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!!!

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