
How can the Williams Sisters compete in the Olympics if they are professional tennis players?

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I see they won Gold in the Women's Doubles. Well dpne to them, but are they not professional tennis players? I thought the Olympics were for amateurs only?




  1. I know but apparently professionals are allowed in the tennis, football and hockey. In boxing its not and I dont know why!!!!

  2. Almost all of the tennis players I saw were Pros,

    Nadal, Federer, Blake etc.

  3. The IOC changed the rules for what defined an amatuer athlete in the 1990s, which also allowed professional NBA basketball players to compete.  

  4. There are pro's in every sport.  Have you seen the basketball team?

  5. what are you taking about it's for professionals

  6. Historically the Olympics were for amateurs only and in some sports like boxing this is still the case. I would have liked an amatuer Olympics - the question is whether people play sport for the money, or for enjoyment. However, it is clear that sport is increasingly being used for commercial ends. How long will it be before we see advertising in the Olympic venues? The Games are definitely becoming more and more commercialised. Can you say that anything is amateur anymore for some sports - given the sponsorship involved? However for others, such as Greco Roman Wrestling or Shooting, I would have thought the opportunities for sponsorship would be much more limited.

    I found a very interesting discussion on Sky Sports see below:

  7. All olympic athletes are pro, boxers are pro too but they just use amateur rules, so they don't use these pro boxers that usually fight in private promotions since they always break the rules and start trouble even before the fight. Though I doubt they would have gone to olympics even if they are allowed since its not a good chance for making money.

  8. same as any of them. and athletes get paid, like the Americans, many sportsmen and women do get paid for their sport, so any one that doesn't is at something of a disadvantage as if they have to work for a living they are basically only training part time.  

  9. They used to not allow pros. That changed YEARS ago. It was assumed that the NBA guys would kick butt every time, to the surprise of many of us when they didn't.  

  10. The Olympic games were for amateurs once upon a time but no longer so, for many reasons, the main one being money.  If you can run a hundred yards in 9 seconds people will queue at your door with bags full of money if you agree to sponser their products.  We the stupid public will queue the buy the product, PLUS the extra on the price to make you a millionaire.

    So there's your answer.

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