
How can the Yankee's spend more money then the Twins yet have a worse record??

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How can the Yankee's spend more money then the Twins yet have a worse record??




  1. Payroll does not necessarily have a positive correlation with front-office smarts.

    Besides, the Yankees have had bundles of injuries. Age and injuries can cripple any team.

  2. There has been many injuries on the Yankees team this year so that's why they have been suffering but the Twins are a great team they have beaten the Angles in both game so far out of four.  Twins are a good team.

  3. Well, it has to do with critical injuries the team has suffered such as Hideki Matsui among others. Also, many of the players on there current roster need to be traded or released because they can't perform at the level they once did such as Jason Giambi.

  4. Baseball is played on the field, not the GM's office. Just because a team signs a player to millions of dollars means he's going to play great.

  5. Because baseball is not played on paper.

  6. Money can't buy you love

  7. Where they spent it.

    Alex Rodriguez $ 28M

    Chien-Ming Wang $ 4M

    Mariano Rivera $ 15M

    Jorge Posada $ 13.1M

    Jason Giambi ~$ 24M

    Derek Jeter $ 21.6M

    That's $105.7M spent on all of those players.

    Position players listed above have averaged 98 G, 16 HR, 7 SB.  Combined BA is .285.

    Pitchers above combined ERA is 3.26 and combined WHIP is 1.18.

  8. The Twins management has proven over the years that while they do not have unlimited financial resources, they have sharp baseball minds. They have baseball people running the organization, not just some fat cats who have little understanding of the game at field level.

    While I am not a Twins fan, I do have respect for their Management. They make something out of nothing, instead of going out and buying the hot item of the moment.

    Injuries are just an excuse. Develop a farm system that can supply major league talent, instead of buying last season's star.

  9. Just ask Hank Steinbrenner.

  10. how can every other team spend more money than the Marlins, yet Florida has a better record than half the league

  11. Huge injuries. How many injuries has the Twins had this year? Lets see for the yanks, jeter arod damon kennedy matsui jorge wang hughes and probably more.

  12. injuries.  Also super stars do not make championships.  You need good team chemistry to win.  You get too many super starts with big egos and you don't win.

  13. For some reason, all those "supposed to be the best players" Yankees signed become much more inferior than their potential once they become one of the Yankees. I think the main problem is the pressure they have to win.

    In addition, I think Yankees care about their line-up too much and their pitching is really not that good and for quite a few years now. The line up is not really producing neither this year.

    They are lucky that muse is having a great season this year, or their record is even worse. Mussina and Pettite will not have the same record again next year.

    They are in a trap now. They are tied to a few huge contracts that no other team can afford to trade for those huge contracts. If the management is reluctant to get rid of those huge contract anyway because it will make them looking really rather stupid if they also pay money to team to get rid of the big contracts. The only thing they can do now is sign more big contracts and hope the existing contracts pan out next year.

    Well, at least they are playing better than the Tigers, which also had a huge upgrade on line-up but not pitching.

  14. Injuries & even though the Twins have a better record right now, ask that at the end of the season & when was Twins last championship?

  15. The team is old and overrated. Plus, their pitching staff sucks.  

  16. Because a high payroll doesn't guarantee you anything.

  17. injuries

  18. yankees stink

  19. You can't blame the Yankees for their injury woes. You can blame the Yankee organization for signing old guys who had good careers...which I think is wrong when they should really be rebuilding. The Yankees also play in a rough division, so you can't blame them for that. Other than that...the Yankees have horrible pitching, a mediocre bullpen, a mediocre defensive center fielder named Johnny Damon...but hey, it wasn't his fault that he was placed there.

  20. Management. Alot of the teams with lower payrolls look deeper into players that they invest in. Look at A's GM Billy Beane. He is often regarded as one of the best GM's in all of sports. I mean take a look at Carl Pavano. The fact that he got paid 10 million dollars a year over the past 4 seasons to sit on his *** is an absolute and utter joke. They invested almost $50 million dollars in Kei Igawa, look how that turned out.....What I am trying to say is that there is no excuse for the Yankees to be as bad as they are with the amount of money they spend on their team. I bet if Terry Ryan (Twins GM until last season) was the Yankees GM, they would be back to their old form, dominate the AL east every year, and win the world series every year.

  21. Pitching, Pitching & Pitching.  Plus the Twins rely on playing baseball the right way.

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