
How can the american value of success contribute to supportive failure in the family?

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How can the american value of success contribute to supportive failure in the family?




  1. America values success. What kind of success? Self success. Even loving parents are more drawn into this attitude than, say, and Indian family. In fact, many oriental countries are more valuing of peer success (note how families push and support each other so). So, in spite of America's value of success, self success involves at least a little pushing of other people down the ladder, and if everyone is groping for the top of the ladder, no one is going to stay on any one rung very long.

  2. if parents push for success perhaps they are not as supportive and this can result in relationship issues

  3. American success can support the family or it can support failure in the family. How it can do the latter seems to be out of our range of our ability for some aspects of the family life. Like dinners together and going to church on Sundays as a family. Maybe individual failure is part of this equation too. I hope there are some good ideas for this concept.

  4. money says IN GOD WE TRUST on it

    and it was that way at one time

    but today the almighty dollar is more important

    it keeps parents more focused on work than their kids

    it buys politicians out for oil companies wants NOT the peoples needs

    The facts is that God has been put on the back burner while money and it's all about ME ME ME attitude is s******g us over and we can't see it

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