
How can the city convince stores to promote reusable bags?

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How can the city convince stores to promote reusable bags?




  1. Give them out for free.  Get some sponsors to pay for them by having there name on the bag.

  2. They only way they can do so is to overstep their boundaires with businesses.

    But an incentive program or reward program might work to some extent.

    I only use canvas bags. However I believe in "Inspire, Don't Require". I don't think mandating a persons way of life necessarily works. We already have too big of government telling us what to do. We need to find a way to inspire people to *want* to do it.

  3. Like they do with everything else. Tax, fine and ticket people to death.

  4. When I was in Hungary, they charged people for plastic shopping bags.  All the locals knew to bring their own!

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