
How can the gas and electricity companies justify these huge price rises in the costs passed onto us?

by  |  earlier

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Is this what happens because they are now private companies?




  1. Buy more jumpers and spend less than you did before the price increase. Hit the fatcat pockets

  2. Easy.  Demand for energy is at an all time high.  If you had product everyone wanted, you would increase the price until people quit buying it and then back off to a level where people will.  Energy prices keep going up, and most keep using more and more.  Hence, increased prices.

  3. I don't know about anywhere else, but in this area you don't have a choice where you get your service.  There is one company that supplies the entire area, so they have a monopoly.  Without any competition they can charge whatever they want, no matter how ridiculous it is--and they do.  You either pay the exorbitant fees or you do without.  Lovely, isn't it?

  4. It's ridiculous - and they're complaining of not making enough profit. They also say prices are going to rise 10% by late Summer, with a further rise of 15% in January 2009.... that equals a 26.5% rise! Where on Earth does the government get these figures of 2.5% or 3% inflation from?

    See link:

  5. yes

    my gas bill has gone from £38 a month to £99!!!!

    if you add the electric (which has also gone up despite me changing all the bulbs to low energy and generally turnin g into my dad ie constantly patrolling the house in search of left-on lights) i am now paying just under £150 a month for fuel.

    there is no way costs have gone up that much.

    i hope the fat cats choke on their champagne and caviar - not that they care a fig for the likes of us.

  6. I know what you mean, but did you know that British Gas are saying that they are having to increase prices again.

    Deep joy!!

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