
How can the government say they are not responsible for the economy and prices of goods going up& no new jobs?

by  |  earlier

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Everything and I mean everything is going up in price. It is a shame because most Americans are making between 8-12 per hour. Each Gallon of gas I pump is about half of my hourly salary. I know no body wants to take responsibility for this horrible problem (especially our government who are supposed to LEAD this country) but I mean come on. You're hurting "American Citizens" who are supposed to be "important" - THE RICH WILL GET RICHER WHILE THE MIDDLE CLASS WILL KEEP SPENDING THEIR SALARY ON GAS and GOODS WITH NOTHING LEFT AT THE END OF THE MONTH! WTF!! COME ON!!!!!!




  1. The government doesn't, but can, control prices.  Problem is, controlling prices is not good according to economic theory.  Gas prices suck...but you can always get around it in car pooling and, if you live close enough, bike riding or walking.  It was a false premise to ever assume that gas prices would be perpetually low.  It was an obvious thing, though not necessarily that it would happen so quickly (China and India are emerging quickly), that prices would price precipitously and that supply would lower.  A higher demand and lowering supply combined means price rise.  It sucks that the average American are struggling due to rising prices of good and gas.  Nobody denies that it's a problem.  But the only real solution is cutting back, which will happen because it is the natural response to higher prices.  The government is not to blame because the price is high.  They are to blame for not being farsighted by developing alternatives.

  2. the goverment can say that the people of the united states must help the economy in order to keep prices down

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